Chapter 7

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'May...May is dead, and I wasn't there'.


'Mr. Stark?' My senses came back slowly, my world seemed as if I was sitting on a chair and suddenly it turned and I fell.

"Peter?" Mr. Stark's voice reached my ears. My head was stuffed with cotton. I will have to ask aunt May for that weird tea recipe to clear my head...'MAY!'.

"Mr. Stark, aunt May, she is -sob-" the little air my lungs gathered left me in such a rush that my world tilted yet again. I lost my last living blood relative. I was alone.

"Hey, Pete, what's wrong? Tell me, are you feeling lightheaded? do you need some water?" Mr. Stark's voice was like an anchor for my thoughts and my sadness flooded from me in the form of tears.

"Mr. Stark, I lost her, what am I gonna do now?" My voice may have sounded desperate, it seemed to portray my feeling of despair.

"I'm sorry underoos, but I'm not sure about what you are talking about".

"How can you say that, I just lost my aunt Mr. Stark" I cried loudly, it wasn't the first time I felt like a child in front of Mr. Stark, but I could not handle the thought of someone I thought cared for me mocking me after seeing the state my aunt was in.

"I'm sorry Pete...But I'm not sure what you are talking about".

"Don't play with me Mr. Stark, we both saw the body, she is dead!" My chest was starting to hurt again.

"Woah, stop there underoos, your aunt is in your apartment right now, we are coming to see her, don't you remember?".

My mind stopped.


"Well yes, we came to ask her about all the changing homes and everything, to see if she will accept to live with all of us, a bunch of crazy heroes, the majority with family related issues" Mr. Stark said.

"...But we saw her body...and all that blood" I was trembling while saying it.

"What blood? We were coming through the elevator and suddenly you disassociated so quickly I was worried your panic attack from earlier was not contained and you lied about it being just panic attacks" Mr. Stark stated, and my mind went blank looking for answers regarding what just happened.

"I...panicked? dissasociated?"

"It seems so underoos, and seeing your surprise while contemplating such an event I gather this is new for you, mn?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Yes, but...what I saw...It seemed too real" I said thinking about the images that wouldn't leave my mind.

"Sometimes when we panic, we see too many things that haven't happened or that seem real but are just our fears".

"You seem to know a lot about this kind of things Mr. Stark".

Mr. Stark's eyes got a little glassy, I suspected it was due to memories bombarding his head, so I decided to change the topic.

"So let's go to my aunt then" I tried to sound confident, but it just sounded shaky and breathe}less. Too vulnerable for my liking.

"...Right" and then Mr. Stark helped me to my feet.

'When did I get to the floor?'

When we knocked the door, I was so anxious, and my mind was kind of foggy, that I didn't notice May standing in front of me.

"Peter" her voice sounded a bit out of breath but just as nice as when she told me stories to chase the nightmares away. I couldn't help myself and I hugged her while sobs left through my lips, tears leaking as my tremors came to halt being held in her arms.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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