(1) - the only option

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A/N: this story will have a similar plot line to Harry Potter and the half blood prince, but with Hermione doing the stuff with Draco too.

Hermione Granger was lying in her bed at 2:00am, fast asleep. She was dreaming, a deep dream. She couldn't think of anything else as she smiled in her sleep. She shared a dorm with Lavender, Parvati and Katie.


Hermione eyes slowly fluttered open lazily, but everyone else was still fast asleep. She looked around, aware of her surroundings.


Hermione grabbed for her wand on her bedside table but.. It was missing! Hermione pulled her duvet high over her body, slightly scared.

Whoosh. Crack. Scrapppe.

Hermione started breathing heavily, very heavily. What was that noise? She went to grab something else, anything else, on her bedside table that she could use as a weapon! But everything was gone!

And then, the whole room went black with smoke. Hermione could only faintly see all of her classmates' sleepy form, drifting out of view and into the smoke. Why was the smoke just circling Hermione's bed and not anyone else's?

And then there was a tiny bang and everything went still. OMG!!! There was a figure standing at the end of Hermione's bed. Bang! Another figure came in to view.

"Um.. Who are you?" Hermione whispered, completely terrified.

Without saying anything, without another word, a hand grabbed on to Hermione's shoulder and both of the figures apparated away with Hermione.

The two dark figures landed on their feet. But the one who had hold of Hermione had let go of her and sent her sliding across the floor. She stood up and looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was at.. Malfoy Manor?

"Miss Granger." A low dark voice began. "I'm glad you could come."

Hermione realised that the voice was from a male. She span around, trying to find where the voice was coming from. Hermione thought she was in the room by herself as the two figures had surprisingly disappeared, but she had a strange feeling like someone was right behind her. So she spun around quickly and then she fell over by a strong spell hitting her in the chest.

Hermione finally got the strength to pull herself back on to her feet as she heard some faint footsteps walk towards her. She looked up and met eyes with some light blue ones. Hermione felt her heart beat faster, faster and faster! Her breathing quickened and she stumbled backwards in fear. It was Voldemort.

"Follow me, now! We have something of yours." Voldemort whispered, smirking evilly. Hermione was too shocked to say anything, so she just nodded quickly and followed Voldemort down to the.. Dungeons!?

The door of the dungeons creaked open and they both entered. Hermione could see two faint people over in a corner, chained up. She squinted her eyes in concentration to see who the two figures were, and then she saw them more clearly. She gasped loudly and her eyes watered.

"Mum! Dad!" Hermione screamed, running to their sides.

"Leave them! Do as I say if you want them to survive!!" Voldemort sneered, walking over to them.

"P...please! Let... My par...ents go! I'm be...begging y..ou!!!" Hermione stuttered in fear and sadness.

"I'll let them go, if you do something for me in return. If you don't, I'll kill them both in seconds." Voldemort hissed. Hermione shot up from where she was kneeling by her parents to look up at Voldemort.

"I'll do anything! Please don't hurt them! They are the only family I have left, I'll do absolutely anything! Please!!!" Hermione begged, letting a few tears trail down her rosy cheeks.

"Anything?" Voldemort smirked.


"Follow me." Voldemort whispered, still smirking evilly. Hermione took one quick look at the exhausted faces of her parents, then turned back to Voldemort and nodded.

Voldemort's bare feet did not make a sound as they walked along the cold marble floor. As they walked down a quiet corridor, Hermione took this as an opportunity to look as herself as she passed a mirror on the wall.

She realised that she still had bed hair as it was all scrunched up and even more bushy than it normally would've been. She was wearing a grey short sleeved vest top and some plain black loose shorts as PJ's, she only just realised that it was 3am now.

"In here." Voldemort said, pointing to the door in front of them. Hermione hesitated one last time and then entered, followed by Voldemort. Hermione's breathing, instead of quickening, it slowed down. Her heart rate still quickened though, and instead of her eyes widening in fear, they narrowed as Hermione saw the three figures sitting in front of her. Hermione's eyes scanned over two of them, and then they met the last person's eyes as they locked together.

"You..." Hermione whispered as her eyes softened.

"You..." The person whispered back, as they joined Hermione in feeling confused and curious.

"Oh, i forgot to mention, Miss Granger is changing sides." Voldemort explained, stepping forward in front of the three figures. Hermione's eyes wouldn't move from the third person's. What was Draco Malfoy doing here!? He was supposed to be at Hogwarts!!

Draco continued to stare at Hermione with confusion, curiosity, disgust and slight anger. He finally looked up at Voldemort and cleared his throat to speak.

"Excuse me, my lord, but what do you mean by 'changing sides'?" Draco asked politely.

'My lord? Malfoy is one of THEM!? Harry was right on the train, he was right about Malfoy being a death eater! I can't believe i didn't believe him!' Hermione thought to herself, but she was snapped out of her thoughts when Voldemort spoke again.

"I mean, Draco, that Miss Granger has come to join us! Meet the newest member of the death eaters! She will help you in fixing the vanishing cabinet, Draco. She is the brightest witch of her age, she will know how to fix it!" Voldemort stated, still smirking.

Draco's eyes met Hermione's again and they both gave eachother confused looks. Hermione's eyes watered up again. She couldn't believe that she was being forced into becoming a death eater, just so save her parents!


The next chapter: Draco and Hermione talk about how they are going to kill Dumbledore, but Hermione wished the day would never come!

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