Part 1

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"Grillby. Grillby. Grillby."

He felt poking on his side.

"Grillby. Grillby. Grillby-"

"What", he groaned.

"Grillby, get up." Gaster's voice was insistent.

Grillby rolled on his side and opened his eyes, only to find Gaster's face hovering less than a hands width form his own.

"You weren't sleeping yet, were you?" Gaster asked.

"Not for the lack of trying-" Grillby stopped, placed his hand on Gaster's forehead, and gently yet firmly pushed the other's skull out of his personal space.

"You can't sleep yet! It's the summer solstice!" Gaster grinned wide.

"And what's so special about the summer solstice?" Grillby asked, propping himself up. Gaster whatever it was, Gaster seemed excited about it.

"It's Midsummer, Grillby! We've got to go do Midsummer night's magic!"

Gaster was way too chipper for how late it was. He was practically skipping on his way out of camp, Grillby in tow. Grillby felt a bit weird about leaving the camp at night, but apparently they were far enough from the front that they didn't have to request evening leave.

"Oh, I've got the whole thing planned", Gaster explained giddily. "First: I call dibs on any fern blooms we see."

"Fern blooms?"

"Yep. Ferns only bloom during the Midsummer night, and whoever picks it gains great magical powers. And yours are pretty damn great as is, therefore, I call dibs."

"Okay", Grillby answered, deciding to humour Gaster, if nothing else.

"The Midsummer night holds grand powers of divination, but only in one very specific field", Gaster said dramatically, pausing for effect. "Loooooove."

"Most of the stuff we'll be doing tonight is magic to get a vision of our future spouses!" he continued.

"What do you mean, 'we'", Grillby deadpanned, still a little miffed about getting dragged out of bed.

"Fine, suit yourself. Most of the stuff I'll be doing will get me a vision of my future spouse", Gaster scoffed.

Then, a shadow of uncertainty flickered over his face.

"You'll still come with me, though?"

"Sure", Grillby sighed. Even if he was tired, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't gotten curios about what Gaster's magic's involved.

Gaster's face lit up as he smiled.

"Good. I'll need someone to keep an eye on my clothes."

"You're going to need someone to what-"

Grillby sat by the shore, a bundle of Gaster's clothes on his lap.

"See anything yet?"


"SEE ANYTHING YET?" Grillby shouted over the sound of the rushing water.

"NOT YET", Gaster shouted back. He was sitting in the middle of a rapid, on one of the large stones poking out of the water. Completely naked, save for a girdle made out of straw. Gaster was curled into a ball, furiously trying to rub his arms for warmth.

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