the issue of mathematics

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Miko: K!L3R ! I need your assistance!

K!L3R: *looks up from drawing* whaaaaaaaaaaa

Miko: I need help with my math

K!L3R: ask ratchet

Miko: he hates me

K!L3R; true, ask wheeljack

Miko: why would I do that

K!L3R: he's not all brawn and robot hotness, he's got the brains too

K!L3R: *looks back down at drawing*

Miko: *looks over K!L3Rs shoulder*

Miko: *screams and runs away from drawing*

Ratchet: *looks at K!L3R* what was that about?

K!L3R: *shrugs*

K!L3R in Head: he'll never know

K!L3R: * is drawing Optimus x Ratchet*

Random Scrap That I Think Of In The Middle Of The NightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora