Get Away

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Starscream's POV
  I finally got better after weeks of being in a coma. I had to stay in the Medbay, but I still got to be with Nightshine. The day before I was allowed to leave the Medbay, Nightshine and I were cuddling in a medical berth. "Starscream, I love you," she whispered into my audio receptor.
  "I love you too, Nightshine. I always will," I whispered back while holding her closer. Then Breakdown walked in.
  "Would ya mind gettin' a room?" he asked, looking disgusted from her and I cuddling.
  "Well I can't get a room except for here," I said as I kissed Nightshine's forehelm. "You and Knockout have other rooms where you two can kiss and cuddle and...whatever you two do," I continued. Breakdown's faceplate got a blue tint and he made an odd squeak before running out of the Medbay. Then Knockout walked in.
  "What's with him?" he asked.
  "We were just talking about how you and him" he cut me off.
  "We don't talk about that! You only saw us kiss ONCE! That doesn't mean anything's going on between us!" he fought back.
  "You had shipped Starscream and I, now we get to ship you and Breakdown," Nightshine smirked. Knockout rolled his optics and started to work. I held her servo in mine, gently. Then I noticed a dent in her shoulder plate.
  "What happened to your shoulder plate?" I asked her, worried. She looked away from me momentarily, then looked back.
  "My sire got mad at me," she whispered, sadly.
  "WHAT? HE HURT YOU?" I yelled. That caught Knockout's attention. He came over to us and looked at her shoulder plate. He brought her to another berth and got the dent out.
  "After both of you are okay, we have to get both of you out of the Nemesis. If Megatron's angry enough to hurt his own daughter, then that's too dangerous. Breakdown and I have a plan," Knockout explained. I came to her side and hugged her.
"Why did he make a dent in your shoulder plate, Nightshine?" I asked her.
"He said that he was disappointed in me," she said before tears of energon poured down her faceplate.
"Did he say why?"
"He said it was because...because..."
"Because I l-love you," she got out. My expression saddened more.
"We're in a storm, Nightshine. And we going to get out of it," I said while stroking her faceplate. "I know that it's been hard ever since you lost your carrier and your sire began to act cruelly towards you, but we're almost okay," I tried to calm her. Knockout was at the end of the berth, watching silently until he commed Breakdown.
  "BD, you have to come to to the Medbay and watch this! It's like watching a human romance movie!" he squealed as he continued to watch. In a matter of minutes, Breakdown had arrived in the Medbay. Once he arrived, Nightshine was asleep in my servos.
  "Aww," he whispered. Then he grabbed Knockout's servo. "Come on, we should leave them alone," Breakdown whispered. Then they left the Medbay.

Knockout's POV
  Breakdown grabbed my servo and brought me with him to his room.
  "Don't they look cute together?" I asked him.
  "Yup! Do you think our plan will work to get them out of here?" he asked.
  "Of course it will! After all," I cupped his cheekplates in my servos and leaned up to kiss him. He had to lean down to do so. "You were a big part of the plan," I finished. He looked at me sweetly.
  "You were, too," Breakdown commented back. Then we went back to the Medbay and prepared our things for the plan since we were leaving with them. Starscream had Nightshine cuddled with him in a berth, rubbing where her dent had been that I expertly fixed.


Your POV
  Everything was ready for our escape. We planned it for the night after tomorrow. I decided to secretly spy on my sire to make sure that he wouldn't hurt Starscream more. I stayed awake the whole night without recharge. In the morning, he had Soundwave get Starscream. Starscream came in nervously. "H-Hello, my l-liege," he stuttered while kneeling.
  "Starscream," my sire bellowed, "You have been nothing but a bad influence to my daughter. You're using her and you WILL eventually hurt her. I won't allow that." He got out of his throne and came near him. He fired up his cannon as Starscream looked up, fearful. Finally, my sire shot at him. Time seemed to slow. Before the blast could hit Starscream, I jumped out from where I was hiding and leapt in front of him. My stomach (don't know what it's called) got hit.
  "NIGHTSHINE!" Starscream cried over me. He picked me up and began to carry me to the Medbay. I could still hear my sire firing at us from behind. " okay. You have to be okay. I love you so much. I can't lose you," Starscream begged as my optics dimmed. He ran into the Medbay as fast as he could. When we got there, Knockout patched up my wounds while Breakdown got everything ready to leave, and Starscream comforted me. After Breakdown had everything and Knockout had fixed my wound, we left the Nemesis, never to go back.

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