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You were the daughter of Megatron. He normally didn't like you spending time with anyone and kept you locked in your room. You begged him to let you out, but he just wouldn't let you. Luckily, you sometimes managed to get out at night when the vehicons fell asleep infront of your door, even though they were supposed to guard your door. When you would get out, you would hang out with your three friends: Knockout, Breakdown, and Starscream.
One night, you snuck out and went to the Medbay to greet your friends. You walked in and saw your sire on the berth. "WHAT HAPPENED?" you asked, surprised.
"Um...oh Primus...Breakdown!" Knockout called for his assistant. He came to where he was, stuck in a data pad. He finally looked up from his data pad.
"Yeah K.Ooooooooo Primus..." Breakdown said after he saw you with energon in your optics, ready to cry. "Um...Nightshine..." Breakdown tried to find the words to explain to you. "Look, I know that this isn't really the best news, but," he sighed, "Starscream tried to offline your dad." You looked over and saw Starscream in a chair, looking down.
"STARSCREAM!" You demanded. He slowly got up and walked over to you. "WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?" you asked, sparkbroken. "We were best friends ever since we were little! WHY?" you begged, now energon leaked down your faceplate.
"I...I just f-felt that I wanted to be the leader now," he said.
"But then you would have to kill me AND my dad! If you thought that doing this would be your way to get power, then why don't you just offline me now?" you yelled. "DO IT!"
"Nightshine, I didn't want to harm you. I didn't think it over until I did what I had done."
"Stop! Just stop it, Starscream! I trusted you. I would come out here in the middle of the night while almost everyone else was in recharge and risk getting into trouble with my father to talk to you and the others! Why would you betray us like this?" you continued. Now you could see energon welling up in his optics.
"NIGHTSHINE, I'M SORRY!" he yelled before he transformed and flew out of the warship. You ran out of the Medbay and back to your room. You laid down in your berth and began to cry.

Your POV
I couldn't understand why Starscream would betray me like that. I remember when I was younger that I would stand up for Starscream when others picked on him and when we would play together on Cybertron.
/////memory begins/////
"Starscream! Come on! You can keep up!" I yelled behind me for him to catch up. He eventually caught up and we continued to run around with each other, racing. Then, a group of older sparklings came up to Starscream and pushed him down.
"Get away from the princess! You can't be near her! You might get her sick, Starscum!" they taunted him.
"Shut up! Or else I'll call my sire to come kick your afts!" I threatened them. They then ran away as I helped Starscream back on his pedes. "Are you okay, Starscream?" I asked him. He shook his helm and showed me his servos. They had scrapes and scratches all over them. "Here," I said and I kissed his servos. "My carrier used to do that to my cuts before she offlined," I explained to him.
/////memory ended/////
I looked up at the ceiling of my room. Sure Starscream never got along the best with anyone, including Knockout and Breakdown, but he always got along with me. Maybe it was because I stuck up for him, or because after Cybertron turned black I was kept locked up in my room, or that he was just using me as a krutch.

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