Chapter Nine

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Obi-Wan and Leonidas stood at the command center, viewing a hologram of the wormhole.
Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "Is it possible that Dooku used the force to open the first wormhole that deposited us here?" Obi-Wan asked.

"That would mean Dooku was more powerful than Darth Nihilus, and more skilled than Darth Revan, " Leonidas said. "Dooku is skilled, but he's not that skilled."

"True," Obi-Wan said. "With all your wisdom, it's a wonder you're not on the Jedi Council." 

"During Fae Coven's final year as Grand Master, she asked me to join the council," Leonidas said. "I told her I was not needed on the council. Yoda was going to take the position the following year, and he is much wiser than I could ever hope to be." Leonidas turned back to the image of the wormhole. 

"I wish there was some way we could analyze the wormhole without risking a war against these Romulans," Obi-Wan said.

"There might be a way," Leonidas said. He tapped on the consul, and the wormhole disappeared, and was replaced by a long ship with a pointed nose. 

"The stealth ship?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes. It has a cloaking device, so we won't be seen by any sensors. We'll be able to get close enough to launch a probe," Leonidas said. 

"True, but we would have to decloak in order to do so," Obi-Wan said.

"Only for a moment," Leonidas said. "Buzz's men will pilot it. And, since we haven't used it since Christophsis, it should still be in pristine condition."

"Yes, but it is still a prototype. There is no guarantee that it'll fly," Obi-Wan said.

"That is why we'll make sure it'll work," Leonidas said. Leonidas raised his eyebrow. "Should I have Tanner start a diagnostic run if the ship?"

Obi-Wan thought for a moment. "Let's try it," Obi-Wan said. Leonidas nodded. He tapped his wrist comm.

"Tanner, there's a stealth ship collecting dust down in the hanger. Go down and run a full diagnostic scan of it's systems," Leonidas said. The droid beeped it's compliance. "You'll clear everything with Enterprise?" Leonidas asked. 

"Of course," Obi-Wan said. Leonidas nodded and walked off the bridge to the lift. He pressed the button for the hanger. Leonidas stepped onto the lift when the doors opened, and waited as it descended. Buzz was waiting for him when the doors opened. 

"What's the status Buzz?" Leonidas asked, stepping off the lift.

"Tanner is still running a full diagnostic scan of the ship's systems, sir," Buzz said, falling in step beside him. "I also have a repair crew inspecting the ship, to make sure she is fit to fly."

"Good," Leonidas said, "have Booker and Headshot start learning the controls."

"What about the stealth ship crew sir?" Buzz asked.

"You're men are going to have to do it," Leonidas said, "we don't have the stealth ship crew anymore."

"Why not sir?" Buzz asked.

"Chancellor Palpatine didn't think the stealth ship program was going anywhere, so he had it shut down. Commander Blackout and his men were reassigned to the listening station over Scipio. After the trouble Senator Clovis gave the Republic, Palpatine was reluctant to trust Senator Card." Leonidas walked up the ramp into the ship. He walked down the length of the fuselage to the cockpit. "How's the scan going Tanner?" Leonidas asked. 

The astromech spun it's head and beeped. "Good job little guy," Leonidas said, patting Tanner's head. Headshot and Booker stepped into the cockpit. "Booker, Headshot, take a seat. Start learning the controls," Leonidas ordered.    

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