Chapter Four

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Captain Picard, Counselor Deanna Troi, and Lieutenant Worf stood in the hanger with a crew of ensigns, waiting for the transport. A beep sounded from a nearby consul. Picard nodded to the ensign manning it. "Starship Enterprise, this is the Republic Gunship requesting permission to land," a voice said from the consul.

"Permission granted," Picard said. The ensign tapped on his consul, opening the hanger doors. A strange, flask shaped ship with downward angled wings flew into the hanger. It landed with one of the doors facing Picard. A lion-like alien stepped off, followed by a group of men in green and purple painted white armor. After them came Riker, Data, and Geordie. Dr. Crusher was the last to step off the ship. 

"Hello, Master Jedi. I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Welcome aboard the Enterprise," Picard said. Leonidas bowed. Picard bowed back.

"Captain Picard. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Jedi Master Leonidas," Leonidas said. He motioned towards Buzz. "This is Commander Buzz, my second in command." 

"Captain," Buzz said, extending his hand to Picard.

"Commander," Picard replied, shaking Buzz's. "These are your injured men?" Picard asked, looking at the clones on the stretchers.

"Yes sir. With your permission, I'd like to take them to sick bay," Beverly said. Picard nodded. Beverly took Boyle. Buzz had his men help her with Mack, Fry, and Ian in taking them to sick bay. 

"I would like to thank you Captain, for coming to our aid," Leonidas said, falling in step with Picard. 

"Starfleet command heard your distress beacon over the subspace frequencies. We will be happy to aide you in any way we can," Picard said. 

"General, if it's all right, the men and I would like to get something to drink," Buzz said. 

"Ten Forward is on deck ten in the saucer section of the ship," Worf said. 

"Sounds good to me," Buzz said. He took off his helmet and held it under his arm. 

"Master Leonidas, I would like it if you would dine with Commander Riker, Counselor Troi, and myself tonight," Picard said, pressing the turbolift button.

"I would be honored to join you for dinner," Leonidas said. 

"Very well then," Picard said with a smile. "Deck three," Picard said into the the computer. The turbolift moved up one deck. The doors opened. Picard, Riker, Leonidas, and Troi stepped off the lift. Picard led them down the hall to a large dining room. A banquet was laid out on the table. Picard took the seat at the head of the table. Leonidas took a seat next to Troi across from Riker. 

"So, Master Leonidas, tell us about yourself," Riker said, taking a bite out of a piece of steak. 

"Well, when I'm not serving on the front lines, I am a blade master in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant," Leonidas said. 

"Blade master? What does that entail?" Riker asked.

"There is a ritual that Jedi younglings go through when they construct their lightsabers. After this ritual is complete, I and other blade masters will work with them in order to help them discern what lightsaber form best suits them," Leonidas said. 

"What about when you're fighting on the front?" Riker asked. 

"I command the 489th Clone legion. Buzz is my second in command," Leonidas said. 

"And what exactly is a lightsaber?" Picard asked. Leonidas pulled the curved hilt from his belt and held it up.

"This is a lightsaber," Leonidas said. "Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. It is an elegant weapon." He flipped the weapon around and offered it to Riker. Riker reached his hand out hesitantly, and took it. "Try turning it on." Riker placed his thumb on the activation plate and pushed. Leonidas force pulled his lightsaber back to his hand and activated it, holding it up in a salute and deactivating it.

"Why was that so hard?" Riker asked through a chuckle. 

"I redesigned my lightsaber after I was made a padawan so that only species of exceptional strength could activate it," Leonidas said, hanging the weapon on his belt. "If you would excuse me, I would like to retire." 

"I'll show you," Troi said, getting up from her seat. She led Leonidas back to the turbolift. "Deck 9," she said into the computer. The lift hummed. "I couldn't help but feel a sense trepidation coming from you." 

"Yes, I am. I didn't sense a connection to the force coming from you," Leonidas said. 

"I'm half betazoid. I can sense emotions," Troi said. The lift stopped on deck nine. She led Leonidas down the hall to a room. "We prepared this one for you," Troi said, stopping at the second door. 

"Thank you Counselor," Leonidas said. He entered the room. Leonidas took his gauntlets off and tossed them on the bed, letting the sleeves of his robes fall loose. A holoprojector started beeping from his belt. Leonidas activated it, and a small blue projection of Obi-Wan appeared. "Obi-Wan, what is it?"

"Master Leonidas, I don't think we're in our own galaxy," Obi-Wan said.

"What do you mean?" Leonidas asked. Obi-Wan disappeared, and he was replaced with an image of the galaxy, and one of where they were in. A nearby planet was blinking in red.

"The cartographer of our friends on Enterprise sent me this starchart. This planetary system wasn't here yesterday," Obi-Wan said. "Not to mention, I've searched for Coruscant, but it's not where it's supposed to be." Obi-Wan reappeared. "I find this somewhat troubling."

"Yes, it is concerning. I will bring it up with Captain Picard in the morning," Leonidas said.

"What of the clones?" Obi-Wan asked.

"You know them, they'll sleep on the floor if they have to," Leonidas said. He switched off the holoprojector, laid down and went to sleep.

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