Finally, she stops, Harry and I gasping for air as more people enter the room. Another chill goes through me as I realize who has joined us, no warm introductions this time.

I keep my head down, pretending to still be in immense pain as I watch Bellatrix through my hair. She grabs Harry by the back of the head and hoists him up for Draco to inspect.

"Well?" She asks expectantly.

I can feel Draco's nerves as he shifts uncomfortably, "I can't be sure..."

I can't see him, but something is telling me he can't focus on Harry while I lie lifeless on the floor.

Then there's the familiar sound of Lucius's shoes on the hardwood floor. "Draco... Look closely son. If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven."

I have a suspicion he's referencing me.

But on the other hand, the Malfoy's still had plenty of their own debts still to pay.

"It will all be as it once was. Do you understand?" He says, the guilt thick in his plea.

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him I hope, Mr. Malfoy?" The snatcher from the woods asks.

"You dare talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius shouts, his voice echoing in the large ballroom.

He was faking it, I could tell by the way his tone changed. His eyes were still sunken and his skin was yellow, this was a performance for us and the snatchers, a false sense of superiority and power.

Narcissa's heels are the next, a hurried walk to her husbands side, I'm assuming. "Lucius!""

Bellatrix silences every one with a clap of her hands. "What about her? Is this the Grindelwald girl?"

She reaches over and grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling me up as I yelp in pain. I put my hands over her's as she pushes me onto my knees, my eyes squeezed shut tightly, refusing to look at the family in front of me.

"She's got the dark mark," Greyback says.

Bellatrix moves the sleeve of my shirt, a snarl omitting from her mouth as she sees it. She pulls my head so we are cheek to cheek, "I warned him about you, I knew you weren't worthy of the cause."

I feel tears sting my cheeks as they fall, my lashes fluttering opening to find Draco a few feet in front of me, his hands shaking lightly.

"Don't be shy sweetie, come over!" Bellatrix beckons him over to Harry and I. After a quick jolt from his father, he comes and kneels down so he's eye level us.

Bellatrix continues, "Now if this isn't who we think it is, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure."

Draco looks to me for a split second before returning his gaze to Harry. He furrows his brow, "What's wrong with his face?"

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" She asks to no one in particular.

The snatcher shrugs, "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest I think."

"Ran into a stinging jinx," She taps her wand on her forehead like she's deep in thought.

We all stay silent, a cloud of fear once again washing over us.

"Was it you dear? Or maybe you?" She points to Athena and Hermione, who swallow hard. "Give me their wands, we'll see what their last spell was."

She saunters past them to the last snatcher in the back holding all our belongings. She laughs maniacally, poking fun at Hermione and Athena, who can't seem to hide their nerves.

"HAHA got you!" She jests.

Draco continues to stare at Harry, the tension between us palpable as I keep my eyes locked on his face, a sorrowful frown forming.

Against my better judgement, I go to reach for his arm but Bellatrix stops suddenly.

"What's that? Where'd you get that from?" She yells at the snatcher.

This strange sword again, first Harry jumps into freezing water for it and now Bellatrix wants it?

He shrugs, staring down at the shiny metal in his hand. "It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now."

He smiles stupidly before Bellatrix hurls a curse at him. He flies backwards as she turns to Greyback, her wand transforming into a lasso and wrapping itself around his neck, tossing him the ground before moving on.

"Are you mad!" The snatcher yells before her wand reaches him, throwing him across the room with a thud.

They lay on floor, rubbing their heads as we all try to take in what just happened.

"Get out! Go!" She screams, grabbing Harry, Ron and Athena and pushing them toward the two snatchers. "Put them in the cellar, I'd like to have a little conversation with these two, girls to girls!"


mother of wands (d.m) part twoWhere stories live. Discover now