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Eating can be really difficult or way too easy. You might comfort eat or not be able to eat anything becuase your anxiety stops you. I used to comfort eat after school everyday and I put on alot of weight and now I'm kind of thankful for that becuase now I'm scared to eat so I've lost alot of weight and I'm literally skin and bone but that's after 3 years. If I was a healthy weight then I wouldn't of lasted as long as I have. The reason why I'm scared of eating is becuase I have a fear of being ill (I can't even say it or type it so your just going to have to guess for yourself) and I know it's stupid becuase last time I didn't eat I was ill becuase I hadn't eaten for 4 days but I was drinking since the last time I didn't eat or drink I passed out. Basically no matter what your head tells you eating a balanced (ideally) diet is needed to survive and you won't survive very well if you don't eat (trust me I know I'm going threw it now since I did to much and pushed it to far but that's another story). Eating to much is also not a very good thing becuase that also is unhealthy. If you comfort eat maybe eat veg? I honestly don't know or know where I'm going with this but not eating makes it worse and eating to much is no healthier.

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