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I don't know about you but I REALLY struggle with change. It can be anything even the slightest thing and my anxiety can flare up, for example the other day I had my routine hospital appointment which I have every 12 months for a knee x-ray. All was going well we arrived and I was doing ok (I hate hospitals) but they failed to tell us before hand that we would have to go to the other side of the hospital to a different area becuase there wasn't enough rooms where I normally go. I've been there before but because I didn't expect it I had an anxiety attack in the waiting room. My throat muscle tightened and it felt like it would close completely and stop me breathing for a short amount of time (your body can't hold that level of anxiety for long and your throat can't stay that tight for that long either) but I did my deep breathing. I had my mouth slightly parted because of my tight throat and it worked. So if your throat feels tight even though it's REALLY hard to breathe in and out I promise it works you don't even have to do in for 3 out for 5 just keep breathing you don't have to breathe out your mouth either. Ignore the rules and experiment with the techniques. Preferably when the anxiety is at a minimum or not there at all you could do it during heightened anxiety but make sure you remember it. Do what's right for you because it's you that's dealing with it and no one is the same.

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