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Warning:  mentions of torture
Do not read if this triggers you. Sorry.

Time ceased to exist during my captivity. hour bled into days, as I waited for rescue. Everyday was the same. I would be woken up, tortured, questioned, tortured again when I have say nothing, be giving something small to eat and drink. I would pass out from pain, then the cycle would repeat.

Today, however something was different. I opened my eyes to find myself chained to the the wall, standing with my arms over my head. I panicked and began struggling against the chains, cutting my wrists on the metal.

Suddenly, a door opened in front of me and in walk the Lord of buckets himself, Megatron. I scowled at him.
"What do you want, dickhead?" I spat.

My, my, still so much fire even though your prime has abbandoned you. Optimus would be proud." He sneered.

"Don't you dare speak his name, you bastard. He was your brother once. You are a traitor to your own kind. You- gaah." I yelled out as he jabbed my stomach with an energon prod. He smirked

"Not as tough as you seem. That was just a light shock. Not even full power. How pathetic." He did it again and I screamed, tears running down my face from the pain. Where are you, Optimus. Have you forgotten about me? I started to question if he had ever really loved me, but I shook those thoughts off. I swore I would be strong. The tears stopped and I started to smirk.

"Maybe I'm tougher then I look." I said, my voice pained, but confident. I had to believe that Optimus was coming. I had to be strong enough to wait.

   This only angered him. He glared at me and jabbed the prod into my stomach again. This time I only grunted, I wasn't going to let him know how much it actually hurt. "Is that the best you got?" I said, laughing through the pain. He growled.

   "Brave fleshy, that was far from it." He said as he walked out of the room. I grimaced and coughed up blood. "Please hurry, Optimus," I whispered as I lost consiousness.

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