Chapter 5: Their Long Walk

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[Chapter 3 recap:
"Are we really counting the ice cream story as our first date?"

"Yes, definitely..."]


"I guess it wasn't as bad as I'm remembering." Illumi admitted.

"Short and simple." Hisoka added.

"Unlike so many of our other times together."

"Not entirely true. We have a long list of 'firsts' that are short and simple."

"Depends, does running into me murdering people count as a simple first encounter."

"That's the only exception, remember when I kissed you."

"Yeah," Illumi huffed, "that day sucked."

"It did not." Hisoka protested.

"The weather was horrible don't you remember. It was our 4th date and we, rather you, had to stop at a Starbucks."

"I was thirsty and also slightly hungry."

"It made us late to the movies."

"I recall the kissing making us late to the movies..."

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