Rules and form

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1.Do not spam me every five minutes, at least wait and hour or two.
2. Do not control my character
3. No Mary/Gary sues
4. No godmoding
6. No group chatting unless I make a group Rp chapter
7. Don't hate the role player hate the character
8. Only 3 OCs
9. Password is favorite Character and what # is missing
10. you can curse
11. No smut unless the scenario says so
12. play my crush I play yours. If we both have the same crush then we can do a harem.
13. please reply with 2 sentences or more
14. You can make up your own aliens, I did that too.
15. You can't make anymore lions or wolves. Only five. That's. It.
16. Have fun!

Name: (Nora)

Age: (16)

Gender: (female)

Family: (dead)

Sexuality: (lesbian)

Species: (kitsune)

Looks: (human form: as tall as pidge, pale skin, blonde long hair with red streaks, glowing red eyes, sharp teeth, red hoodie, Disney shirt, white skirt, no shoes, skinny, about 15 tails and big fluffy fox ears, her tails can light on fire and throw fire balls.
Fox form: she's half the size of pidge, white fur, red tips, very fluffy, long big 15 tails, throws fire balls with tails.)

Personality: (cold and rude at first but nice when you get to know her. sweet, kind, caring, curious about anything new, geek or nerd, shy, never gives up on what's important, lazy)

Lives/lived: (on a planet inhabited by foxes but it's almost exactly like earth but without a government.)

Crush: (pidge)

Likes: (food, technology, Friends, food, animals except bugs, horror games and movies)

Dislikes: (meds, hunters, dead friends, being alone or forgotten, dying)

Paladin?: (Yes)

Wolf?: (Yes)

Which one?: (Black)

Bayard?: (iron-man-like blasters)

Backstory: (her family was killed but she was forgotten by the hunters, she grew stronger as she aged and protected the other foxes and created a civilization filled with foxes that is almost exactly like earth. She eventually left the city, looking for something greater and knowing the foxes would be alright. She stumbled into a cave and found the wolf which took her to a planet and she found the rest of the paladins(not the voltron ones))

Others: (likes to scare others with lighting herself on fire (she can do that), likes to stay with pidge, will protect friends at all cost(🔪), will like to stay in fox form most of the time)


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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