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Well let's start things off, my day was great until I went home when my mom started shit, and then you sent that fucking screenshot to me. I was ready to beat the shit out of him Monday. I am beyond heated.

Well it's about 2 1/2 hours until we go to the hospital and I am so fucking hype. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. I think I'm more excited to see you than go but whatever, whatever it is.

Well I'm writing this now because you just left my house and I miss you, so so much. Yhe hospital was sooo crazy, can't believe we ran from the cops, honestly. Having that whole group of people though was actually fun as shit and it sucks that we couldn't even fucking play completely but it was fun to just go. Oh and Girard lake, it was the most peaceful thing and calming thing to just listen to the water run and being able to look at the stars and be in your company. The pictures we took make me smile every time I look at them, they're beyond cute and so sincere. Then after we came back here and just spent time together alone, in each other's arms and I swear I could've fell asleep but there's no way I wanted to. This night tops them all because you told me you loved me! My heart honestly couldn't handle it and I have no clue how I wanted to feel about it. When Ethan said it, I didn't feel anything, I felt the usual way when I hear people say it – nothing. The thing though is when you said it, I felt a flutter in my heart and my body felt tingly like when you get a nicotine buzz. I can't get enough of you. Where ever you touched on my body, it felt on fire and your kisses made me feel warm. I know that sounds beyond corny but I'm being completely truth. Allen Robert Kriebel, I love you with my whole heart and I genuinely mean that.

A Journal to my Love, AllenWhere stories live. Discover now