Chapter 20 The Battle of Olympus Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What the hell" PJ exclaimed. "And just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder!"

"Oh it always get's weirder" I stated. "So we then realize that Chronos is going to attack Olympus, it's the perfect opportunity because Olympus is defenseless with all the Gods fighting Typhon."

 "I really hate Typhon" Mr.D grumbled.

 "Your telling me" I said rolling my eyes, gods Typhon was annoying. "So I iris messaged Annabeth and told her to get the whole camp to Manhattan, it was time to prepare for war" I said tensely. 


Well that wasn't dramatic at all I thought sarcastically. Honestly I was a bit blown away, all my life I had wanted to get out into the real world but now hearing about the war and what we had to go through, it didn't so good. "We gathered at mount Olympus, the Ares cabin was not there but the hunters where there to help out" Percy said, Thalia started cheering and whooping at that. 

"Oh yeah Artemis's hunters to the rescue" she cheered, I laughed it was nice to see Thalia back. 

"Yeah, yeah pine-cone face we know the hunters are all powerful, men-dominating, warrior people we've heard it all before" Nico said shaking his head.

"Dam right you have" Thalia yelled proudly, for some reason Grover and Percy burst out laughing at the word 'dam'. From the other demigods looks they had no idea why either. 

"Anyway there was one more thing I had to do so that we could win the war" Percy said.

 "Yeah which by the way nearly got him killed" future me added humphing. 

"I really hope I don't die" PJ muttered from beside me, I rolled my eyes.

 "Of course you won't die seaweed brain, your alive in the future". I don't know where the nickname came from but it seemed fitting, he was the son of the sea god and sometimes I felt like his brain was made of seaweed. 

"Whatever uh-um... wise girl" PJ said victoriously, I rolled my eyes again was that the best he could come up with? 

"That can be considered a compliment you know" I stated, PJ just pouted in an annoying yet kind of cute way, which annoyed me even more why did it have to be cute? Out of the corner of me eye I saw Katie and Piper smirking to each other and looking at PJ and I, I had the urge to ask about it but they probably wouldn't tell me, sometimes them being from the future annoyed me, too many secrets.

"We were out numbered and there was no way the gods could win without someone, Poseidon. The problem was that he was fighting his own war in the sea, he would have to abandon his palace" Percy said. I groaned along with the other campers he would never do that, I doubted any god would, some gods spent decades building their palaces. I needed to get in touch with him so I sat on his throne an-"

 "Are you crazy, what where you thinking, do you have a death wish" campers started to yell at him, my mouth was open in shock.

 "What is wrong with you" I asked PJ shaking my head, I punched him in the arm.

 "What's the big deal?" PJ and Percy asked in unison, I just facepalmed along with my future self.

 "So I talked to him and was able to convince him to abandon his palace and help us" I looked at him in shock along with the other campers, he couldn't be serious Percy actually convinced him?! "I got off the throne and I realized that I was smoking... not that it was the first time, I blow up a lot of things" Percy said thoughtfully.

 "WE KNOW" The future campers yelled, I laughed. "Please Perce we all know who's really smoking" Leo said flipping his hair, suddenly he was enveloped in flames. I screamed and jumped back in shock along with the other campers, the flames stopped to reveal a perfectly fine Leo, even his clothes where unscathed. I stared at him in shock what the Hades just happened?! Annabeth facepalmed, "he's the son of Hephaestus and he was granted with the power to control fire" she said rolling her eyes at Leo's antics, I nodded my head it did make sense.

"We gathered outside of the empire state building and assigned posts for defense, each post was occupied by either a cabin or group of hunters" Percy said. "I told them that we where the greatest heroes of the millennium, we would fight, fight for Olympus,for our friends, our families, for ourselves, and for the world; we would defend Olympus at all costs" I stared at him in awe. Now I understood, why the campers looked at him for instructions, why they defended him and why we won the war, Percy was a leader. Though not not right now I thought as I glanced at PJ who was looking at his future self with his eyes so wide they looked like they were about to fall out, kind of like a bug I thought grimacing as I started to think about spiders. "But now it was time ,no more planning or preparing, it was time for war, for the Battle of Olympus" Percy said seriously, more serious then I've ever seen him. 

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