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I woke up to Ed peacefully sleeping. He looks so relaxed compared to when he looks tense all the time. I slowly got out of bed and I woke him up. We walked upstairs to get breakfast. I greeted everyone and we all ate.

"Could you help Edward shower? I'm sorry to ask you but you seem to be the only person he's comfortable with," Peg said.

I blushed at the thought of him naked and that Im
the only one he's comfortable with. I agreed and I grabbed a towel and brought Ed into the bathroom.

"Listen, I'm going to help you shower. I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me undressing you. Are you okay with this?"

He nodded and I started unbuckling all his buckles. I started blushing when I saw his chest. It was like he was sculpted by a god. His body was so perfect. And his V line drove me crazy. I have a weakness for those. Then I prepared myself and pulled down his pants. He gasped softly when his pants glided across his giant manhood.

"That felt good," he innocently said.

I nodded and blushed hard. He stepped out of his clothes and got in the shower. I turned on the water and made it the right temperature. I washed his hair and then I had to wash his body. That was when I started feeling... wet. My hands rubbed his chest and his torso. I looked up at his eyes and the sparkles with surprise. I was getting really nervous to wash his thing.

"I'm going to have to touch your..." I pointed to his cock, "and it will feel different, it'll only last a few seconds."

I started rubbing it and he gasped and he let out a slight moan. I let go feeling myself getting wet. Not now. Not with him, I scolded myself.

"That felt good, can you do it again?" he asked.

"W-well," I stuttered, "only people who are romantically involved with each other do that sort of thing together," I explained.

He nodded as he understood. He got out and I dried him off. I dressed him again and I combed his hair. He thanked me and he left the bathroom.

I just touched Ed's dick. And he wants me to do it again. I couldn't believe this. I just did that. I kinda felt bad considering he has no idea what sex is. I've done it before but it was never satisfying. I recollected myself and headed out the bathroom.

"Edward has to go to your aunt Joyce's and trim her bushes. Would you like to take him?"

  I nodded. There was no way I was leaving him alone with her.

Protect at All Costs | Edward Scissorhands x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now