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  It was the barbecue and the whole neighborhood was here. I just haven't found Joyce yet. Everyone seems to like Ed and so far no hoe has come up to him. While I was sitting watching Ed, he comes up to me. "Hi Edward. Are you enjoying the barbecue?" He smiles and nods. "Are you hungry? You want some food?" He nods again. So I get up and start feeding him some crackers with dip. He starred at me with those big brown eyes. I started falling for him and I knew it. Until the queen ruined the moment. "Hi there, my name is Joyce. And I see that you haven't ate any of the ambrosia salad I made just for you," she said as she fed him. My blood started boiling. She better keep her claws off him. "Joyce, he just ate. I'm sure he's to full to eat any of your ambrosia salad," I sassed her. She just rolled her eyes. "I've seen what you've done and I want you to come to my place and cut my bushes," she flirted. Of course he didn't know what she was trying to do, but I did. And I was not having it. Other women started coming up to him and feeding him their dishes they made. I got pushed out of the way. I stomped off into the house. How dare they do that! I couldn't take it and broke down. I sat on Kim's bed and just played with the hem of my dress. I don't know why, but I needed to protect him. He was special. And he would be a broken man if they got their claws on him. Soft feet entered the room. "Are you okay," Edward asked. I quickly wiped away the remaining tears. "Of course Ed. Now, let's go enjoy the party," I got up and took him back outside.


   Screaming woke me up and I shot upstairs. It was Kim babbling about an intruder. She thought Edward was the intruder. He popped the bed and Kim would have to sleep in Kevin's room. And Edward would have to sleep in my bed with me. Great. Bill brought him down and poured Edward, me and himself a drink. A burning sensation ran down my throat. It felt really good. But Edward didn't seem to like it. Peg came down with Kim and Kim hugged me and said hi to Ed. Soon everyone went to bed and I laid there, blushing because I was sharing a bed with Ed.

Protect at All Costs | Edward Scissorhands x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now