Just one

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"Good morning, sweetie" said USA, giving United Kingdom a morning kiss.

"Good morning, my dear" he gave him another kiss, this one went to the forehead. "How's my prince?"

"I'm good now that I know that you're alive" USA joked, provoking a laugh in UK. He watched him laugh, falling more in love with those squeaky sounds he makes when he laughs. "Do you want some bread and milk for breakfast?"

"Hmm~" United Kingdom made an unconscious sound while he thought. "Yeah, why not?" said innocently.

USA got up in the bed, the sheets fell from his body, showing all his masculinity to UK.

"Here you have your bread. Milk will come out later" he said, lust sparkling in his eyes. United Kingdom smiled, and started to laugh with those squeaky sounds USA loved.

"Oh, it's serious" he stopped his laugh, though he had like hiccup trying not to laugh openly again. "Darling, not all is sex. I just want some pampering with you, in the bed. Can we do that?"

"Oh, sure" he thrown himself in bed again, the sheets flew out of bed "I'll go" he snorted sulking.

"Oh, baby is mad?" UK laughed again "Come on, you're really mad?"

"It's just that I had to think really quick some sexual thing and all I came up with was bread and milk and you ruined it with your cuteness" United States pout, making United Kingdom smile softly. He really loved when his boyfriend started to act like a baby. It was adorable.

"Hmm, come here, baby" United States thrown himself again in bed, still pouting, another laugh came from UK, who hugged him and began to kiss every part of his face, provoking little laughs from USA. He adored when United Kingdom tried to brighten up him with kisses and lovely words.

"Did you know that you're beautiful?" he said, watching the brown galaxies in his face. His freckles are one of the million thing that UK loved from his boyfriend.

"I love you" USA kissed UK's lips. The kiss went from cute and innocent to passionate and delectable. UK stopped the kiss to say:

"I love you too, my dear".

Well I hope you liked it, and if there are errors I'm sorry. English it's not my first language.

Words: 399.

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