Chapter 13

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DJ drove to pick Kath up the next morning to drive her to school, JC already in the passenger seat but Kath got into the back with Kaye. "Hey, you're available to come?" DJ asked Kaye, who nodded her head.

"I made myself available." She said simply, holding onto Kath's hand. She'd been quiet all morning, terrified to go to the Principal about Jason in case it made the situation worse and she was nervous about facing school without her colored contacts.

"I'm JC, by the way - DJ's cooler and better-looking brother." JC introduced himself, reaching behind him to shake Kaye's hand, making her laugh a little bit.

"Kaye." She introduced herself and JC's eyes widened when he saw Kath - DJ had only told him that they were going to be reporting Jason and Kath needed some support. He hadn't said a word about Kath's condition or about her parents.

"Whoa, so Jason wasn't kidding when he said you had purple eyes!" JC said all eyes were instantly locked on him.

"Jason?" DJ questioned, starting to drive them all to school where they'd be meeting Arisse.

"Yeah! I hung out with him yesterday." JC said, seeing the anger instantly flare in DJ's eyes.

"Since when were you friends with him?"

"I'm not friends with him! We just get along since we were partnered for our science project! He's not that bad once you get to know him-" DJ instantly slammed on the brakes, his hands gripping firmly on the steering wheel. He could hear sniffles coming from behind him, knowing it was Kath and Kaye was whispering in a low voice to her, trying to comfort her little sister.

"Get out," DJ growled to JC.

"Excuse me?" JC laughed.

"Get out of the car! You know that we're going to report him to the Principal for all he's done to Kath, he shoved me over yesterday and you're sat there defending that psychopath. Get out of the car!" DJ ordered and JC rolled his eyes.

"We get along, we're not best friends! But fine. Be that way!" JC got out of the car, slamming the door shut and he started walking towards school as DJ drove away.

"I don't wanna do this anymore," Kath mumbled, but Kaye squeezed her hands.

"Yes, you do... you need to do this, Kath. They're bullies and you've been dealing with it for too long as it is... what if one of your subscribers came to you because they were going through the same thing? What would you say then?" Kaye asked and DJ was instantly hit with how much she sounded like a Mom. It was clear to him that after their mother died, Kaye took that role on for herself since as their father was too torn apart by grief and injustice to notice what he was doing to his girls. Kaye had to look after Kath, and Kath had to look out for her older sister - otherwise, they'd both be lost.

"I don't wanna be the reason DJ and JC don't get along anymore."

"Hey!" DJ intervened, looking at her through the rearview mirror. "It's not your fault, okay? It's his own fault and Jason's. If he wants to hang out with a guy who literally shoved his own brother to the ground, then that's on him." DJ said and Kath hesitated before slowly nodding her head.


"Good... I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you." Kaye whispered, pulling her into a sideways hug and Kath gripped onto her, desperate for the comfort. Kaye could feel that she was shaking.

Arisse stood up straighter when she saw DJ and Kath coming towards her.

"Arisse, this is Kaye, Kath's sister. Kaye, this is Arisse." DJ introduced them, the two girls shaking hands and DJ took hold of Kath's, tangling their fingers together.

"You ready for this, Kath?" Arisse asked, surprised by Kath's eyes but she didn't react to it - she wanted to support Kath and be her friend, not push her away.

"No, but I have to do this." She said breathlessly, but she cracked a smile when Arisse hooked her arm with Kath's and Kaye's, DJ keeping hold of Kath's hand.

"We got this!" Arisse exclaimed encouragingly, all four of them heading into school together and up the steps towards the Principal's office. "Where's JC anyway? I thought he was coming." Arisse said as they walked up to the steps together,  Arisse and Kaye in front whilst DJ followed along right behind them holding Kath's hand.

"He's friends with Jason. I kicked him out of my car." DJ said simply and Arisse's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything - she didn't want to upset Kath but DJ nodded at the look on her face, able to tell exactly how much she wanted to yell.

Kath was the one to knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mister White called, surprised when he saw four students step into his office. "Kaye Bernardo? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"To support Kath," Kaye said, Arisse nodding in agreement and DJ squeezed Kath's hand encouragingly.

"Support about what, precisely?"

"Jason Masters makes my life Hell," Kath said, able to see the proud looks on the faces of her new friends and her sister.


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