Bambam and Yugyeom nod together, watching as Chan's chest rises and fall. They are surprised this battle didn't have more injuries. Several students and teachers were injured, but not nearly as many as Bambam thought there would be. They are glad that the numbers are small, it means less devastation and easier recovery time for the school.

The two older magic-users fall asleep fairly quickly on the couch, both exhausted from today's events. They considered going back to their dorm but decided against it since they wanted to be here when Chan wakes up. So, Seungmin sits back in his peaceful silence, watching Chan sleep and anticipating his wake-up time.

Seungmin can feel himself starting to doze off a few times, but he manages to keep himself awake. He wants to be awake when Chan is, so he continuously stops himself from drifting, no matter how tired he is.

"You should sleep, you look exhausted," a groggy voice breaks him out of his drifting again.

"Chan!" Seungmin exclaims in a low whisper as to not to wake the people on the couch.

The older smiles at the younger, tightening the hold Seungmin hand on his hand.

"I'm glad you're here," Chan states, eyes slightly drooping. He is obviously still very tired, and Seungmin doesn't want to keep him awake any longer than he has to.

The younger explains that he'll allow him to sleep, rising from his chair and preparing to leave. However, Chan doesn't let go of Seungmin's hand, pulling the younger back.

"Stay, I don't want you to leave," Chan tells him, "you can sleep next to me."

"N-no, that's not a g-good--"

Before Seungmin can finish his sentence, Chan has already pulled Seungmin closer to the bed, scooting over so there is room for the both of them. Though the sliver he left Seungmin isn't enough, the younger doesn't complain. Crawling onto the bed, Seungmin places the side of his body on the mattress, his head resting on Chan's chest and an arm and a leg sprawled across the older.

The positioning is awkward and makes Seungmin blush, quite a bit, but he also enjoys the embrace. Chan is very pleased, being able to fall asleep wonderfully with his arms wrapped around Seungmin's waist.

In another room, some aren't as lucky or comfortable as the two boys here.

After Felix had collapsed to the ground, he was rushed into a room for Yixing to have a look at him. Changbin wasn't able to keep himself still as he and Hyunjin waited. It got to a point, that Hyunjin had to force him to sit down. Hyunjin didn't know how he was able to keep himself together during the wait time, but maybe with Changbin on edge, it forced him to stay calm.

When they were finally able to go in, neither of them left Felix's side. Yixing told them that Felix was drained after the blast, much like Seojoon but far more severe. They aren't sure when he'll wake up, but Yixing is sure he'll be alright.

"He's going to be alright," Hyunjin says softly. He takes Changbin's hand into his own, lacing their fingers.

"I hope so," Changbin mutters.

"Hey," Hyunjin speaks up a little, "don't be so negative, Felix is going to be okay, and I am sure he'll wake up in a few days."

Though he isn't sure he believes the words, it is nice hearing them. Changbin leans into the younger, resting his head against Hyunjin's shoulder. He's with both of them, and Felix is going to be okay, Changbin should be at peace. He is, at least as much as he can be with Felix in his condition.


"Things are slowly being put back together," Chaerin says, walking through the halls with the Headmaster by her side.

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