Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The mansion

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!" Arabella and Patrick burst into the room. "Woah" Jack laughed as his children crawled over him. Jackie tickled them. "Good morning our little monkeys" she giggled. They all laughed. It was Jack's birthday, today they decided not to go to the hill. They knew there would be nothing but sadness to see down on earth. 

After eating some cake and giving a few gifts, Jack and Jackie went for a walk. They strolled along the beach, watching the waves crashing against the warm sand. "It's beautiful here" Jack commented on the surroundings of the kingdom of Heaven. Jack could feel Jackie's head moving, she was nodding in agreement. 

She looked up at her husband, he was looking down at her. They kissed passionately, before taking a seat in the sand. "Jack, I'm glad we died together" Jackie smiled. "It may have been gruesome but it was peaceful". Jack leaned forward and kissed her. "I'm glad I can say you're my wife" Jack caressed her cheek. "I wouldn't have it any other way" he added.

They kissed once again before Jack wrapped his arms around his wife and they lay embraced on the sand. "I love you Jack" Jackie whispered. 

"And I can always say" Jack looked down at her. "That 'I love you', where my last words". 

Unfortunate EventsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora