Chapter 4.5: Bonus

Start from the beginning

"Why hiking?" Hisoka asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I thought it'd be nice to see some scenery. It's rare I see nature during the day, unless it's at the estate." Illumi looked back to the map.

"And because someone canceled on you was it?"

"What? Oh, yeah, that too." He shook his head.

They weaved their way through the trail, walking close to each other the whole way. Illumi tried very hard to keep their hands from grazing but every time he thought about it, the opposite happened. He eventually settled on making use out of them by unfolding the map once again.

"I want to go here, they have some food stands at the top." He pointed.

Hisoka looked over, "Okay, so we follow this path, to this one..." he dragged his finger up the trail till it met Illumi's, still pointing to their destination.

"Right, but look, if we just cut through here then it'll shorten everything and we'll get there sooner."

"I don't mind walking the long way. It's pretty out." Hisoka added.

"Yeah but..." Illumi trailed and as if on cue his stomach let out a large rumble.

"Oh, I see." Hisoka chuckled.

"Right here, lets just cut through." Illumi proceeded past Hisoka and off the trail.

"Illumi I don't think-"

"Yeah I know you don't." Illumi didn't stop.

Hisoka sighed, caving in and following Illumi. What's the worst that could happen.

Well, they soon found out, a lot. Some how the pair found them selves wandering around with no particular sense of direction.

"Maybe this way?" Hisoka offered.

"We just came from that way." Illumi huffed.

"Well I did tell you-"

"Shut up."

"Maybe I'll plan the next date."

"Shhh." Illumi held up his hand.

Hisoka took the signal and listened. In the very far distance they heard the sound of rushing water.

"Follow the water and we'll find our way back to a trail, using the map."
Illumi went forward.

"You got lucky."

"You doubted me, what's to be done about that?" Illumi glance to him, smirking.

"Whatever you desire."  Hisoka intertwined Illumi's hand with his and brought it to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of Illumi's pale hand, lingering for a few seconds.

Illumi so transfixed on this action, eyes wide, didn't see the branch right in the perfect tripping position.

"Ow fuck." He cursed under his breath as he drop Hisoka's hand to catch himself.

He glared as Hisoka failed at hiding a laugh, "Sorry love."

They walked the rest of the way in silence, Illumi made sure their hands were no where near each other's.

Eventually they came to a rushing stream. Illumi pulled out the map once again.

"It's probably this one," He pointed, "if we just cross it and follow it upstream we'll land back on another trail."

"Alright so how to be cross?" Hisoka asked looking around.

The stream was 3 yards long and no deeper than a foot.

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