Skyler: "If you could choose anyone to voice over your life, who would it be?" Ooh. Male wise, I would either have Heechul from Super Junior, BamBam from GOT7, or Hoshi from Seventeen. And female wise, I would either have Hailey, Eliza, or Amber from f(x). Those six people make me laugh so much and it would be interesting to see how they narrate my life.

Skyler: "Will we ever get to see Teddy's face soon?" I hope so. Teddy is so handsome and I don't understand why he doesn't expose his face to the world.

???: Who did you call handsome?

Skyler: Whoop. Yixing heard that.

Yixing: *walks in* Who's handsome?

Skyler: I'm talking about Teddy. You know Teddy.

Yixing: Oh yeah! Teddy is good looking, but not as good looking as me.

Skyler: You smell of cockiness. It doesn't suit you.

Yixing: *flops on the bed* I'm so tired.

Skyler: Come answer some questions with me. EXO-L want to see you.

Yixing: *sits up*Hi EXO-L! I miss you all.

Skyler: "When did you and Yixing have your first date?" We didn't have it yet.

Yixing: *grabs one of Skyler's hands* I plan on taking her on a date soon. We've both been so busy and our schedules always conflicted with our plans of doing something together. But now that she's not here, we can do something together.

Skyler: Yep. *smiles*

Yixing: I have a fun fact for you guys. Skyler is afraid of flies or anything that flies.

Skyler: *hides in shame* Why would you tell them that?

Yixing: *laughs* We were out buying snacks yesterday, and she saw a butterfly and freaked out.

Skyler: I'm scared of anything and everything that flies. I've been like this ever since I was a kid.

Yixing: It's cute though-

Skyler: *sits up* No, it is not. Let's move on.

Yixing: *laughs and reads some comments* "When will you and Yixing have kids?"

Skyler: *chokes on air and starts coughing*

Yixing: Breathe Sky, breathe!

Skyler: Most of you guys are babies! What the heck!

Yixing: The question must be answered Skyler.

Skyler: Do I have to?

Yixing: Yes. I need to know.

Skyler: Fine. We're not having kids anytime soon. It's too early to be thinking about a family at the moment.

Yixing: I think we're not in a big rush for trying to have kids. We want to enjoy being with each other before we make a major decision like having a baby.

Skyler: Yeah. I would love to have kids. Now is not the best time for that.

Yixing: I hope that they have Skyler's hair and my dimples. *eye smiles*

Skyler: Next question!

Yixing: "Can you ask Baekhyun when is he going to put a ring on my finger cuz either D.O. or Kai finna do it."

Skyler: *laughs really hard* I can't deal. Y'all are wild out here!

Yixing: I think Kai is already dating somebody though.

Skyler: He is. *smirks* That's all I have to say about that.

Yixing: *claps*

Skyler: And I believe that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun don't have any interest in dating.

Yixing: I know for sure that Kyungsoo has no interest, but I'm not sure about Baekhyun.

Skyler: Let's call Baek. *grabs her phone and calls Baekhyun*

Baekhyun: *on speaker phone* SKYLERRRR!

Skyler: Hi Baekhyun! Yixing and I have a question.


Yixing: I miss you too Baek. An EXO-L wants to know when are you going to marry her?

Baekhyun: *sighs* I'm already married to EXO-L though. EXO-L, I love you!

Skyler: Such a romantic.

Baekhyun: I try to be. Oop. Jongin is calling me. I'll talk to you both later.

Skyler + Yixing: Bye Baekhyun!

Baekhyun: Byeeeeee! I LOVE YOU! *hangs up*

Skyler: *flips her hair and smiles* And that is the tea.

Yixing: We love tea in this house hold.

Skyler: *laughs and nods in agreement* One more comment, then we have to go. It's getting too long anyway. *reads one comment* "Can you and Yixing play the Pepero game?"

Yixing: *smirks* We can play. I just bought some last night. *gets up and walks out the room*

Skyler: You guys love to torture me, don't you? *laughs* But I'd do anything for you guys though.

Skyler: Okay, for those who don't know the Pepero game, I'll explain it. Each player, which is usually two, will put one end of the Pepero stick in their mouth and start biting at it. The overall goal is to leave as little of the stick as possible while barely kissing each other.

Yixing: *walks in the room with Pepero* Yeah. It was so weird playing this when I first started.

Skyler: Yeah. I've played it a few times before, but I'm not the biggest fan of it.

Yixing: *sits next to Skyler* Me neither.

Skyler: *checks the time* We've been live for about twenty-six minutes now. 

Yixing: If you want to end this live before it gets too long, we need to hurry and play.

Skyler: Which flavor did you get?

Yixing: Chocolate.

Skyler: You know me so well.

Yixing: Of course. *opens the pack and takes a stick out* Ladies first.

Skyler: *places one end of the stick in her mouth*

Yixing: *giggles in nervousness* This is our first time playing this with each other and I'm so nervous.

Skyler: *signs "Me too"*

Yixing: *sighs* Are you ready?

Skyler: *nods*


*They both start biting at the stick and Skyler pulls away just as their lips were about to touch.*

Skyler: *takes the stick out her mouth* Ooh! That's like one centimeter.

Yixing: Yeah it is.

Skyler: Well guys, that's it for today. Thank you for hanging out with me until Yixing got here. I really appreciate it. I've been in this room for hours.

Yixing: But now we can go out and have our first date. I have everything planned out.

Skyler: This should be interesting. Bye guys!

Yixing: Bye everyone! *waves*


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