Chapter 1

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It has been 5 years I had divorce with my husband. Ex husband actually. Today is 25th January.. It our anniversary day and the date that we divorce, and that's mean its already 5 years of our marriage, the 5th of our marriage... I don't know why but I still love him even though I never forget how he treated me when I still his wife.. But I will never forgive for what he did to me, and my kids. I will hate him forever. Screw my love for him, I will hate him forever. I will never get back to him. But it just a word. I never meant it.

Let me tell you, I know him when I still in middle school.. We madly in love and decided to marry when we finish our study.. After we dated almost 5 years, finally I married with him.. At first we happy and madly in love with each other but since his father decided to retire and gave the company to him, he started to change . I know that he been loyal to me but he never spent time with me anymore..

On our first anniversary night, I want to make surprise for him.. I wear my turquoise dress, his favorite.. When he come into our house, I jump on his back and shout, 'Happy First Marriage Anniversary but his only reaction is 'you're not child anymore Hae Rin, grow up. You're so childish.. Ugh, because of this I don't take you to any events.. You just don't act like a woman.. I don't know why I even married you in the first place.. Now move, I have to go to the office today and signing some.... Never mind, you won't understand anyway'.. I felt numerous tears sliding down my cheeks already.. He look at me and start moving toward me.. He takes a step and I step back putting my hands up in order to tell him to stop.

I turned to leave but then I think against it and slap him hard across his face and throwing in the present which is my positive pregnancy kit I had put in a little box and said, 'Happy Anniversary, my dear husband.. I hope your work goes well.. He advances again with the gift in his hand and i tried to slap him on the face but i just shrugged and shake my head at him..

I go up to another room and lock myself in.. I hear some shattering downstairs but I don't care.. After a few minutes I hope that he will come upstairs and apologize but I hear the front door slamming shut.. He left.. But when I rethinking again he has that SM deal today that is really important in order to make his company become international one.. He has been working too hard for it to loose because of this little..... bickering.. He can't loose it because of his mood.. I get up hastily searching for my phone in the entire house and when I see it, it has crack on it, a huge one but if I press on it hard enough I might be able to send a text.

I start pressing keys,

'I am truly sorry for today.. Come home after you finalize your deal and we will celebrate.. We still have the whole day.. I have a surprise for you'..

As I press 'send' a drop of blood oozes down my thumb and forefinger.. Look like I cut myself. I wrap a bandage around it and prepare for him to come home..

Only he never does.. The last memory I had with him was us fighting.. So now I want to move on my life with my son ,Kim Taehyun or Ace.. Ace is his English name.. Actually my dad is British and my mama is Korean.. My English name is Angel Victoria Knight.. Since I'm married with V,I give my son Korean name but called him using his English name.. So Ace is my son with Kim Taehyung.. The picture of Ace still in jelly figure and my pregnancy kit is the surprise that I want to tell him but he never come after our argument.. I feel curios, if he ever saw the pregnancy kit that I gave to him.. Or he might had throw it away.. I'm pretty sure he had throw it away..

Sometimes Ace had ask me where is his father.. The only answer that I can give to him is his father in somewhere else that much better than here.. I will never told him about V.. Unfortunately today is also Ace's birthday.. Today he will be 5 years old.. I wonder why my divorce, my ex husband's birthday and my son's birthday date is the same..

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