Chapter 2: Their First encounter

Start from the beginning

Once he was sure they hit he jumped out of the tree, kicking the still standing men down on the ground. The poison was fast acting and in seconds they were immobile. Illumi smiled and pulled out two daggers, not hesitating to slice them up or make a mess of blood. This is what he lived for.

Right then, that leaves 2 left and then-

A branch snapped close by Illumi turned to it. The second he looked in that direction he realized everything he had done wrong.

You've got to be shitting me.

The 6 were indeed used as bait to lure Illumi into the direct middle of a very angry circle of killers. The situation was deeper than he thought. He was hopelessly surrounded. How his father would love to see him in this situation, would he be disappointed, worried, pity, laugh. Probably some form of all of those.

"Don't fucking move!" One screamed, it was surprisingly the leader of all of this.  What an idiot.

Illumi held his daggers firmly, Zoldyck's wouldn't be caught dead surrendering, it wasn't in their nature. Go big or go home, Illumi charged at the leader with full speed. He heard guns fire but who knows if they hit him. He just wanted to kill. He was almost there, knife inches from the mans neck, when Illumi finally felt a bullet bite his shoulder with immense force. This caused a hiccup in his movements, a small moment for the leader to grab his dagger arm and flip him upside down, slamming him face down into the ground.

This is it,

Illumi thought,

this is how I go, fucking this!

They would have to be stupid not to shoot him right there. But they didn't, no one shot him. Illumi waited, but nothing happened, all he heard was rustling of tree branches. Slowly he lifted his head, his eyes widened.

They're all, dead? But how-

"My, my, look at all this mess, oh however am I going to explain my way out of this one?" A voice said behind him.

Illumi flipped over quickly, sitting up just slightly to see who was there. That's when he saw him. Red-orange hair slicked straight back and up,  like a flame. The lackadaisical yet poised posture of this mans tall muscular build. He wore pastels that somehow stood out from his pale skin. He held a blood soaked playing card between his fingers.

"Who the hell are you?" Illumi got up and backed away, staying low to the ground.

"Hmm? Oh that's right, it was you I was going to put the blame on." He smiled menacingly looking in the direction of Illumi.

"What did you do?"

"Isn't it obvious? I saved your life, oh how cute you were, I really enjoyed the show." He moved closer.

"Stay back!" Illumi warned, dagger still in his right hand and a bullet in the same shoulder.

"You used some sort of needles right? I mean I only got a glimpse before you threw them out, remarkable aim by the way, are they poisonous or do you aim for pressure points? Well not that it mattered in the end, I mean any one with a brain could have seen that trap miles away. Ah well, rookie mistake I suppose." He shrugged his shoulders and only walked closer.

Illumi was raging. His blood lust became controlling, it overflowed within him.

Any one with a brain?! Rookie?! Just who the help do you think you are?! You bastard, I'll kill you!

"I SAID STAY BACK!" Illumi darted straight for the man.

The flamed haired man quickly raised an arm as if to slice Illumi's chest but Illumi was a step ahead. He slid down, knocking the other mans legs down with his own. Startled the man would have fallen on top of Illumi but instead Illumi grabbed his shoulders thrusting his back toward the ground. There Illumi sat onto of his lower abdomen, a knife to the mans neck.

"I'll kill you." He hissed leaning in closer to the man.

"Oh I like you." The man grinned shamelessly.

This only drove Illumi to press the knife closer into his skin, "I'll ask again, who the hell are you?"

"My name is Hisoka." The man choked out, obviously trying to stifle a laugh.

"What exactly did you just do, Hisoka?" Illumi hissed again, adding his own menacing humor this time.

"What? Oh you mean this. Well I saw you had quite the situation on your hands so I decided to swoop in and wrap this up. It was getting a little drawn out-"

"Careful. Just how long have you been watching me?"

"Long enough to want to see more." Hisoka grinned again, looking Illumi up and down.

Illumi leaned in lower, his long hair almost creating a curtain for them, "Fucking creep." He jabbed a needle into his neck.

Hisoka gasp, Illumi chuckle getting off of him, "To answer your question, yes, my needles are poisonous. Some lethal some sickly poisonous, some cause paralysis. Don't worry I gave you a paralysis one that will wear off in a few hours. Or at least I think I did," Illumi paused and put a figure to his cheek, "hmmm guess it doesn't matter to me, goodbye then."

"Wait!" Hisoka muffled.

For what ever reason, Illumi stoped.

"Your... name?"

He thought for a second.

Fuck it.

"Illumi." He flatly replied, then he turned back around and proceeded out of the green forest.

Hisoka lied on the ground for hours. All during this time he only thought of one thing,

Illumi. Illumi. Pretty Illumi.

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