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Enjoy ;)

  I live in a small apartment building. It's rather quiet most of the time, which I find extremely enjoyable. 

I opened the door and walked in. It was a long day at work and I was exhausted, so I did nothing more than plop down on my bed and fall asleep.

3 hours later

I woke up, suddenly to loud noises. It came from upstairs. It was like someone was running, running across the room, from one corner to another. 

It was noisy, but fortunately I got through it as my exhaustion took over me.

Two days later 

The last two nights were unbearable. The same loud noise from the neighbors on the floor above me kept repeating. 

I didn't want to seem rude so I didn't think to go up there and knock on their door to complain. I think they might be new here because I hadn't heard anything coming from the room in a long time. 

So,  I decided I would speak to the landlord about the issue the following day. 

I knocked on the window of the landlord's office. 

He came out, greeted me and asked me about what he could help me with. I told him the neighbors on the floor above me were simply being noisy.

He looked a bit puzzled. He found it odd. He was confused.

He told me it was strange I was hearing things because the apartment had been vacant for months.

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