chapter 3: Betty

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Lesbian theme here don't like don't read

Sometimes I thought being without a quirk as a sad thing, it didn't make me like myself too much. Other times though I was thankful. Having no quirk meant I wasn't dangerous and the people in the hospital thought so too.

This caused a perk for my life. Every so often I got to see Betty. Betty was taller than me with skin of another color which I thought was the most beautiful thing about her besides her smile. Every now and then Betty was permitted, and I was permitted as well, to have her enter my room. I never know how long the time actually was that we were apart but when I wasn't talking to the doctors like Dr. Williams or thinking of the stars I thought if Betty.

I'm in love with Betty. Nice thing about that though is she loves me too and since she also has no quirk we get to spend some time together and sometimes she gets to spend the sleep time with me and we whisper to one another as our fingers trace along our skin.

The sleeps spent with Betty when we don't really sleep and press our mouths together is my favorite of times.

Doing this with Betty goes back to as far as I can remember. Apparently Des saw no reason we couldn't be together so it was allowed before I was even born. Betty is a little older than me not sure by how long but she was always taller and her hair longer.

You see we're not allowed to ever get our hair cute here once we were shaved but that was before we could form sentences.

Betty from the start liked to kiss me. The first time we met she walked though the wall that looked like it opened up just for her. Betty looked around and when out eyes met her face contorted oddly which for some reason made me cold. She then approached me and pressed her wet lips on mine and feeling the wetness on mine made the muscle in my mouth wipe at it.

When Betty saw that she seemed joyous and started speaking to me about what her life has been like so far. She had a replica of my time here as well. Speaking with Dr. Williams and the nutritional fluids, everything the same and it made my heart shake inside my chest almost painfully but I did not mind it one bit if it meant if was for Betty.

As time went on we touched more and sometimes the muscle in Betty's mouth would rub against mine and I'd feel my back feel like needles were poking over and over. The tiny needles they stick me with when the monitoring catches something could potentially be wrong with me soon.

Dr. Williams said the monitors are there to keep me healthy. Illness is well known outside the hospital and from what Dr. Williams said it sounds awful and I wouldn't wanna get sick like that.

Betty makes me the opposite of sick.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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