“But-” Tracy started,

“But nothing Tracy, they need to get to a doctor now!” Nicole interrupted her sister, picking her son up and throwing him over her shoulder. “I am taking Jarryd to hospital, it’s up to you what you do with Kane, but if you ask me, it’s the least you can do for him after all this. I know for a fact, neither Jarryd nor I would forgive you for leaving him like this.” She finished.

“Of course.” Tracy said coldly, picking her son up over her shoulder like her sister had done with Jarryd.

The two women walked to their cars and placed their sons in the back seat of each vehicle. Tracy followed as Nicole took Jarryd to the hospital and carried him into A&E. The two women were rushed straight through the emergency sign in and through to a room where the boys could be seen, the doctor arrived shortly after them and spoke in a soft, gentle but critical tone.

“What happened to them?” Dr. Tourelle asked the two ladies.

“Well-” Tracy started, but before she could continue she was interrupted by Nicole.

“There’s no well about it, they fell into a lake and almost drowned, they would have if it wasn’t for our family friend Kaileb. They ran away after there was a conflict in the family, and he chased them out to try and get them to come home.”

“Care to share details?” The doctor asked.

“Not particularly.” Nicole said bluntly.

“It’s going to come out one way or another, the boys will most likely tell someone.” Dr. Tourelle stated.

“I highly doubt that.” Tracy said.

“Listen, ladies. If there is some form of abuse happening here, we need to know, if you two are responsible, the two boys will talk and then we will have a criminal case on our hands.” Dr. Tourelle said in a very snarky tone.

“Excuse me?! Abuse? There is no abuse involved in this situation doctor what-ever-your-name-is.” Tracy exclaimed.

“Doctor Tourelle.” Dr. Tourelle said dryly, “There’s a nametag. And I am not accusing anybody of anything, all I am saying is if there was anything, it would eventually come out. I am only looking out for the welfare of your two boys.”

“Well perhaps run your tests first, and then come at us with your snarky remarks, for heavens sake! I find this rather impertinent.” Tracy said, her neck snapping around to Nicole as her sister opened her mouth to speak but closed it again.

“Do you have anything to add ma’am?” The doctor asked, directing her question at Nicole.

“Actually, I do.” Nicole started, looking over her shoulder at Tracy. “My sister is right, your attitude is incredibly offensive and I would like to know where I may fill out a complaint form.”

“Straight to the information desk at the A&E waiting room, just ask for one there and you can fill it out.”

“Thank you.” Nicole nodded as she left the room, Tracy’s eyes followed her, watching intimately before the door slammed shut behind her sister.

Behind the doctor and Tracy, there was a muffled groan, and the sound of bed sheets moving. It was Jarryd waking up from his temp comatose state; he raised his head, looked about and realized where he was. He looked to his side to see a bed identical to his and realized that the other lump in the sheets was Kane.

“Is he awake?” Jarryd asked, surprising both the doctor and Tracy.

“What?” Tracy asked as she turned to see him looking over at Kane, “Not yet, no. But we are hoping he does soon, he’s alive and seems to be breathing on his own, but we will have to wait until he wakes up to see if there is any brain damage.” She said. The doctor exchanged a glare with Tracy as she walked over to take Jarryd’s hand and spoke.

“I’m so sorry Jarryd, I didn’t mean for you guys to find out this way. It’s not fair and I should have said something sooner.”

“Yes, you should have. I don’t want to talk to you, where’s my mum?” he asked.

“She’s in the waiting room getting some forms for us.”

“What kind of forms?” he asked.

“It’s not important, what is important is that you are okay. Okay?”

“Whatever, like you care.” He replied coldly, looking over to check on Kane.

"Jarryd-" She started.

"No, don't Jarryd me. I don't want to hear it! You're all as bad as each other. I don't care what caused you two to fight the way you did, I know but I don't want to know. What I do know for sure is that you have lied to both of us for the past eighteen years of our lives. That is what isn't fair, so before you start chirping on that us being upset or angry with the two of you isn't fair and that you didn't have a choice, stop and think. You did have a choice. You chose to keep this from us. You chose to lie, and your choice ended up with one man dead, two almost dead and a so-called 'friend' walking out of your lives. So don't give me any crap about it not being fair or that you think you care about how we are or how we feel. I fell in love with somebody, and now I have to find out by a stranger that the person I fell in love with, is actually. My cousin!" He said, pulling a somewhat disgusted look as he though about the last two words. The two of them sat in silence, Tracy felt her eyes drawn to her feet like magnets.

Nicole came through shortly and eyed Jarryd sitting on the bed.

Jacob's Legacy {Book 2: ADKOR series}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ