The Fatal Accident

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Chapter 3

Kane and Jarryd were sitting up in Kane's room when Tracy came upstairs to tell Jarryd that his mom was waiting for him downstairs, as they walked downstairs, his hand in hers Jarryd could feel her shaking.

"Are you okay aunty Tracy?" he asked her.

"I'm fine Kane. Don't worry."

"I'm Jarryd. Aunty Tracy, please tell me what's wrong?"

"Your mother will tell you later on." she said, they were now at the living room door. Jarryd saw his mom, Tom, and Kaileb. But no Matt. Where's Matt? Jarryd thought to himself. Matt should be here. Looking around he still couldn't find him, he couldn't hear him either. Matt is always here. I don't understand. Jarryd could immediately see there was something wrong and that nobody wanted to talk about it in front of him. He saw his mom sitting on the couch, her face in her hands, immediately he could see that she was upset about something too, but she didn't look angry like Aunty Tracy did.

"Mom...Are...Are you okay?" he said running towards her and wrapping his little arms around her shoulders and over her back.

Through her sobs she managed to say "Y...Yes. I'm fine son. Have you got everything?"

"Yeah, don't you want to talk about it?"

"Let's go, we'll talk about this later when we get home." she said to him through the gasps from the tears.

"I thought we agreed..." Tracy started.

"No Tracy. You stated. Nobody agreed." Nicole said, picking hersef up, taking Jarryd's hand and walking through the front door.

Tracy knew what she had done. Tom knew what he had done. But it had taken ten years for Matt to find out what his best friend, or his wife's sister had done, all behind his back.


Matt drove down the motorway, speeding well over 100Mph. How long did it go on for? He asked himself. When did the affair happen? He continued to himself. Why now? Why so long to tell me? What a cunt man! He said, unsure of which offramp he was taking. As his thoughts consumed him, his sight began to become blurry and the light sky turned into a crimson lagoon, from crimson it turned into a deepish purple and finally into a dark navy until it was completely black. Matt had not stopped once and decided to continue driving. Looking down at his cellphone it was already well after midnight. What do I care?

Matt looked down at the speedometer and thought; I'm only doing 100. I can top that. so he did. Matt hit the accelerator and continued down the road in the darkness. He passed a sign that said, 'Manchester 23'. He was twenty three miles out of Manchester. Matt had been driving for hours. It was dark and matt knew that nobody was on the road, his foot still heavy on the accellerator as the car begun to rev too much. He took his car from fifth gear up to sixth.

Two minutes down the road, Matt saw oncoming lights, he imediately panicked and hit the breaks. The car failed to slow down. Come on! He thought to himelf. Matt's eyes widened as he came to an immediate stop. A tree. The road had bent, his steering had locked and his breaks had failed. Matt had hit a tree on the side of the road and his car halted immediately, it was crushed like a tin can under the foot of a teenager. The car was totaled and Matt left with his face in an airbag. He couldn't breathe but that would have been a bigger problem, if he hadn't had something which resembled the spoke of a mettle fence rammed through his shoulder on impact. The windcreen was gone, shattered, bits and pieces of glass glittered the floor and his scalp looked like the skin of a disco ball. The passenger door was knocked off from the pressure of impact, his wing mirrors smashed, the back windscreen seemed the be the only survivor.

Jacob's Legacy {Book 2: ADKOR series}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora