The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 2.

Jarryd and Kane shared a birthday so each year they shared a party. On their tenth birthday they went with a group of friends to play laser tag. The boys were told to choose three girls and three boys each that they wanted to take with for each team.

The boys both, as they were told, chose three girls and three boys each. Jarryd chose, as his three girls; Lisa, Nicky, and Mandy. he cose; Josh, Kyle and Christopher as his three male team players. Kane chose Linda, Laura, Sarah, Connor, Andrew and Kevin as his team mates.

In the two weeks leading up to the party, all the two boys could discuss was the game and their chosen team mates. They weren't particularlily popular boys but the friends they did have were the best they could be, as far as ten year olds went. Lisa, Nicky and Mandy were taller than Jarryd but he wasn't all too bothered by that and his male friends Josh and Kyle were also taller than him. The two friends of Jarryd both had dark brown hair, chestnut brown eyes and somewhat tan skin. They were best friends with each other and like Jarryd and Kane, spent all their free time together. As is normal with boys their age.

Jarryd was rather short for his age, he had fair hair, he kept it from birth, his eyes were an outstandingly beautiful olive green colour. Jarryd had pale skin with spotted freckling lightly flicking across the bridge of his nose. He had on his back, a line of lemon spot freckles from one shoulder blade to the other. Down his spinal column, his bones bumped out from his skin slightly, subtly though, it didn't look unnatural. Jarryd was soft of heart, gentle and showed a lack of interest in violent videogames or television programmes. Jarryd grew up in his mother's house, which his grandmother left them in a council estate in the southern suburbs of Glasgow. In the house there were many photo's of the family, though he often saw Kane's mother in the photo's and upon asking, his mother told him that herself and Kane's mother were friends like himself and Kane were then.

Kane on the other hand, had much darker hair. His was brown, more of a red-brown, though he too had olive green eyes. His build was only slightly more than Jarryd's build. Though his muscle tone and structure was much the same, he was slightly taller than than his good friend. His skin like his friend's was also pale and he also had light freckling, though not across his nose, his lemon spot freckles dotted his cheeks cheerfully and gave his face a sort of glow that no one could quite explain. Nobody besides Jarryd that was. Jarryd spoke of it being almost angelic a few times. Kane lived in Glasgow, near Jarryd and often went to visit Jarryd and Mrs Prescott, aunt Nicole to him, though unaware that she really was his aunt, it was just polite behavior on his side.

A few days prior to the party both of the boy's families were visited by a man who had dark (slightly greying at that point) hair and eyes of emerald green. The man introduced himself as Kaileb, the man, Kaileb, was very aware of the descision made by Nicole and Tracy, almost ten years before. So he just said to the boyshe was an old school friend of the two women.

The whole family was gathered together on June 10th to celebrate the birthday of Jacob, who was (as known to the boys) Jarryd's late uncle. Kaileb, Jarryd, Kane, Nicole, Tracy, Tom and Matt all sat at the table and enjoyed a full three-course meal in silence.

After dinner the two young boys were sent up to Kane's room to play. Meanwhile the adults sat around the table and a rather important discussion was had between them.

"We have to tell them." Tracy said to the other four at the table.

"Easy for you to say!" Exclaimed Nicole, harshly glaring at her sister.

"It's not fair on them."

"Was it fair what you did to me?"

"That's enough! They have to know!"

"What the hell is all this about?" Matt asked the two ladies.

"Well, ask your wife, or better yet, perhaps you want to ask my husband?" Nicole said to Matt, whilst her glares were shared between Tracy and Tom.

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked Nicole, now he too was looking over to Tracy and Tom.

"Nicole. It was ten years ago! Do you really think we haven't moved on from that?" Tracy snapped.

"Clearly we haven't." Said Tom, shortly, looking over to his wife, Nicole.

"Did you know about the affair?" Matt asked aloud, turning around to face Kaileb. Kaileb looked down to the hardwood table beneath him, nodded his head slowly in shame and then looked up and saw the pain in Matt's eyes.

The two young boys played upstairs, completely unaware of what was happening below them between the adults. Secrets shared, trust and bonds broken, pain and anger, all kinds of emotions raging through the dining room like a whirlwind of fire eminating from an atomic missile which was the truth about the affair.

Ten years beforehand, Tracy had an affair with Tom, Nicole's husband. Only to be told to Nicole by Tracy two days after their sons were born. Outraged with her sister, unable to forgive, she told her sister that from then on all emotional and family ties between them were to be cut off.

That was until they saw how inseparable Kane and Jarryf were and agreed to pose as "friends" to the boys until they were of an age where they could understand the whole situation completely. The two mothers would get on with their lives, not telling Tracy's husband Matt about the affair and putting it all behind them.

Well it seemed that skeletons were being pulled out of closets. In that moment, Matt picked himself up from the table and walked out, got into his car and drove away.

Jacob's Legacy {Book 2: ADKOR series}Where stories live. Discover now