I never claimed to be a poet.

18 1 0

A Poem By Me, About Tampon Time...
19 year old me is proud. 24 year old me is still proud of this. But I can bet my Mother isn't.

*** *** ***

My period arrived unexpectedly one day,

And without supplies, I decided to try a new way.

Walked to the store and found the right aisle,

To see an awkward stock fella stacking lady things in piles.


Hovered nervously I did, waiting to grab what I needed

Awkward eye contact was made and my desperate eyes pleaded.

Move out of the way! I don't have time for this!

I grabbed the closest box and ran away with a hiss.


Is this normal? Is this right?

As I looked down there and got such a fright!

It had changed so much since I was a child,

The effects of womanhood had not been so mild.


I began to contort like a demon on the bathroom floor

My goodness why is there not a lock on this door?!

How could a thing so small struggle to get in my hole?

I asked as the carpet burn inside, ignited fury within my soul.


As I tried to spread my legs a little wider apart,

The thought occurred to me that being a woman is hard.


I was trying my best but still having no success,

All I'd achieved was making a mess.

A shower of tampons lay around on the floor,

As I gave one last try while leaning up against the door.

Hooray! At last! This thing has held fast!

I mourned a little as the time for innocence had past.


Tampon Time - An Excerpt Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang