Chapter III

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What does that kid think of me? He's so full of himself.

Kids nowadays.

When I finally exited the door (thank goodness), I literally ran and barge in the cafeteria cause the lions inside my stomach says that they're freaking hungry.

"Uhm. Excuse me? Can I have 2 cheese rolls, cream pasta and coke. Thank you."

After placing my order, I looked into my watch just to see that I still have 30 minutes for lunch break.

Seems like I'll just stuff it in my mouth without fully savoring it. Well thanks to that imbecile kid.

"Girl, did you watched the audition earlier? That Mean guy is so freaking handsome."

"True though. But seems like he's gay."

"Hmm. Well I still support him whether he's gay or not. Cause he's hot."

"Wait.. isn't he the one who acted like Mean's lover earlier?"

"Omg girl yes. He's kinda cute tho."

"Ew. He's not."

I was minding my own business when  I've heard the last part.

Well, it's true though.

"Il n'est pas bon de bavarder à propos de quelqu'un." (It's not good to talk about someone)

"Is he badmouthing us?"

"Girl let's go! Seems like he's doing some oration about us. He's scary! C'mon!"


I was eating peacefully when someone who irritates the living out of me came.

"Ohh.. Be careful, you might choke, gros mangeur."

"I'm not a big eater and why the hell do you care? Suit yourself."

"Remember what I said earlier, the show is not over yet."

"Yeah yeah whatever doofus."

"Let's see."

Mean's POV

"Bro, why did you do that earlier?"

"Who cares? I can do what I want."

"You know what? I think P'Plan was right. Suit yourself."

I plastered a devious grin when my classmate said that.

Let's get started P'Plan. The show is about to start.

Plan's POV

After a whole tiring day from school, I'm walking towards my home.


The one that I've been longing to.

"Ma...Pa, Nong Prim.. I have something to tell you."

The nervous 17 year old Plan was literally shaking but his decision was final.

It's now or never.

"Son are you okay?"

Will you still call me son after I confess?

"Ma, Pa...I-..I'm g-gay."

And there was a complete silence.

The dreadful silence that lasted for straight 5 minutes.

"U-uhm. M-ma, pa?"

My soul was shattered when my parents decided to leave me alone. I was crying when Nong Prim hugged me.

"It's okay P'Plan, I understand. You've did well. Congratulations."

"Ah. Bad memory. Erase erase."

Here I am, standing in a once cozy home.

But now, an unfamiliar one.

A/n: promise in the next chapters the characters would be happy especially Plan. 💖

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