Chapter 10

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A light yawn escaped my lips, my eyes slowly adjusting to the room around me. As soon as I adapted to the brightness, I noticed I was in a completely different location.

I scanned the room around me, getting off of the fluffy mattress and feeling my soft feet touch the cold, wooden ground, sending a shiver down my spine.

I found a pair of sneakers laying next to the bed, I slipped them on and made my way towards the door on the other side of the room. Opening it, I quickly noticed that I was placed at the end of a rather lengthy hall.

Heaving out a sigh, I dragged myself towards the other end of the hall, turning a corner and finding myself placed in a miniature kitchen.

"Oh, I see you've woken up!" A voice spoke up, scaring me.

"Uhm, excuse me, b-but where am I?" I whispered almost inaudibly, looking down at my feet.

"You're in our wonderful orphanage for children like you! We're more than happy that you've been able to join us." The woman notified me, a motherly smile adorning her features.

A sense of horror filled me, when did I get here? More importantly, why am I here? Did... Did Levi do this to me...?

I shook my head to rid it of those horrible thoughts, he would never! But then how did I end up here?

I shakily focused towards the lady in front of me, concern filling her kindly eyes.

"Dear, are you okay? You seem rather pale..." I opened my mouth to voice a reply, but all that came out was a small groan as I fainted backwards.

• timeskipper ('∀`)♡ •

I awoke, one again, with a stretch and an inaudible moan. My mind was slightly fuzzy, but I could feel a queasy nagging at the back of my mind.

I sat in my bed for a while, thinking through everything once I had remembered. Should I stay and live my life here? I'm sure that lady was right and I'd fit in perfectly fine, I just needed to get used to being here.

For the second time that day, I bounced off the bedding and continued my way throughout the orphanage.

I heaved out a sigh, struggling to locate anyone around me, until I heard yelling in the distance. My pace grew faster as I journeyed toward the voices, feeling overjoyed that I finally found more human contact.

I was happily racing along when I reached around the corner, staring at a bunch of older looking children, all seemingly laughing at something together.

'They don't seem too bad, I should go over!' I naively thought to myself, stumbling over to the group.

"U-Uh, hello. I-I'm (Y/N), I'm new here. It's nice to meet y-you!" I gave a charming smile, reaching my hand out to them.

Suddenly, one of the boys slapped my hand away, along with a girl spitting in my face before saying, "Why would we ever want to meet a wimp like you? Get lost."

I quietly apologized and slinked back towards the bedrooms. The other children here didn't seem as friendly as I thought...

I rubbed my hand, a stinging sensation still lingering from the hit, making me tear up and causing me to want to go back to Levi even more.

'It was obvious he didn't want me, why else would he have left me here?' I question myself, somehow still missing him.

I got back into the room I had been assigned to, glancing across the room before my eyes landed on a book tucked neatly into a bookshelf located in the corner of the room.

I gave a quiet gasp as I stepped over towards it, carefully taking the novel into my arms.

'Ye Olde Fairy tales,' recognising the title from the book I had read while sitting in his office.

I sighed with content as I brought it over to the mattress, sitting atop of it and opening it on my lap.

I spent the rest of the day reading through each word, each chapter, each little story the rather large book had inside.

(( aye i know this chapter wasn't overly exciting, but let's hope there's something better to come in a chapter or two!! ))

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