Chapter 9

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I begrudgingly woke up, my body aching from the somewhat awkward and uncomfortable positions I had slept in. How surprising that tables are not comfortable to sleep on...

Glancing over my shoulder with drowsy eyes, I noticed a lone figure sitting next to me. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it was Levi, and he was... Sleeping?

I let out a silent snicker as I recognized that he must've fallen asleep in the chair, waiting for me to wake up.

My eyes gave the room a swift scan until they were met with the hands of a clock. '8:00 PM', I panicked, dinner was supposed to be half an hour ago.

I contemplated whether I should try to wake Levi up or if I should go without him. After being lost in thought for a while, I decided on trying to wake him up, after all, it would be rude if I let him miss dinner!

I hopped off the rather small table, wobbly wandering over to the stoic man and gently whispered, "M-Mr. Levi, wake up... We gotta get dinner."

Yet, all I got in response was a slight moan and a turn of said man's head. Instead, I shook him roughly and said the same words. Not even a single response this time, just a lousy snore.

I huffed in annoyance, shaking him more harshly, eventually getting an awoken Levi. Sure, it was an annoyed, awoken Levi, but at least he woke up, right?

"Tch, what'd you want?" He groaned out, face softening from his hard glare when he saw it was me.

"It's d-dinner time and I n-needed you to wake up..." I almost inaudibly replied, getting fidgety under his attention.

His face vaguely twisted as he cranes his neck up towards the clock, eyes widening when he saw the time.

"Alright, c'mon," He briskly commented before adding a quiet, "brat."

I gave a meek grin, skipping off after him as we made our way down the hall in silence.

Soon enough, the mess hall came into sight as many people were already walking out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Levi grimace as a few odd people noticed us, some pointing or waving, others looking towards us and whispering.

We made in inside and checked if there was anything left for us. Unfortunately, there was only a potato and some bread left, causing a dejected expression to appear on my face, knowing that I wouldn't be able to have a full meal tonight.

Levi took the food anyway and guided me to a table, taking a seat next to me.

He pushed the food towards me, ushering me to take it. I shook my head lightly pushing it back to him.

He sighed in response, resorting to breaking both the products in half for the both of us.

A smile lit up my face, mind blown at such a genius solution he had come up with, bowing my head in a thanks as I devoured the food.

All he did was give a ghost of a smile back, nodding his head as he began on his part of the meal.

• timeskippy ( ˘ ³˘)☆ •

I bid goodnight to Levi as I stood in the doorway of my 'room'.

"Night, don't let the bed bugs bite!" I giggled, hugging his left before hastily slamming the door shut and leaping onto my surprisingly soft bedding.

Immediately as I landed onto the covers, I was passed out, cold.

• Levi's POV •

A light blush shifted over my face, embarrassed and shock covering it. I honestly didn't expect to become attached to that brat...

It made me regretful about what I had to do tomorrow, yet I knew I had no choice. It was too dangerous for a child to be kept in a place such as this.

I gloomily dragged myself in the direction of my office, getting ready for bed. Yet, I spent hours laying in bed, wide awake with the anxiousness of what awaits both (Y/N) and I.


Hope you enjoyed. It's probably easy to predict what is coming up in the next chapter, but I'll leave that to you...

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