Chapter 3 : Shyness and Fear

Start from the beginning

Gah! I messed up!

I can't let Usagi worry!

I could tell Usagi noticed my surprise when he asked. I sighed, pretending to be slightly annoyed, even though it made me happy when he cared for me.

"I was thinking that I shouldn't have removed the bandages till I was completely better. I didn't want the risk of an infection so I decided to be re-bandaged"

I hoped my excuse would work and I sighed relieved when Usagi just nodded his head. Content with my answer.

"I see, I guess you have a point"

With that we went back to eating happily, it was quiet but the silence felt warm and not uncomfortable. When we finished I cleaned the dishes while Usagi sat on the red sofa and looked slightly bored.

Maybe I should give Usagi, well show Usagi his gift..

I looked over at him as I dried my hands on a towel, he seemed slightly uneasy. I sighed and went to retrieve the gift. I made sure to hurry pass Usagi so he couldn't see the deep blush I felt appearing on my face. When I pulled out his gift and looked at it I had second thoughts.

Will Usagi like this?

Well Usagi is always calling me cute so if I do my best to act cute while wearing this, I should be able to make him smile

Usagi POV

We finished our meals peacefully then Misaki suggested that we should go to bed. I didn't argue, I was exhausted from all the typing I did today.

It may not have been physical exercise but even so, I had to be totally focused. Me and Misaki went to our room and I just collapsed on the bed and went straight to sleep.

I began having a nightmare, it was from when Misaki was missing. I dreamt of me searching fruitlessly for my Misaki. I could feel the harsh cold rain as I ran around frantically.

I eventually ended up in the area where I had found Misaki, but to my despair my Misaki was lying motionlessly on the ground in a pool of his precious crimson blood. I ran towards him and lifted him up into my arms and hugged him. I kept yelling 'Misaki! Misaki! Misaki!' Over and over as I shook my loved one's cold and limp body. He had no pulse, my Misaki was dead, I had been too late.

I then had the dream again but this time my Misaki was alive, I had rushed my broken Misaki to the hospital, I relived the agonizing wait during his operation, the doctor came out of the room after hours. He looked at me with sad eyes as he shook his head, telling me that my dear Misaki was gone. Dreams like these have often been haunting my sleep ever since my Misaki went missing not long ago, they always reminded me about how lucky we are that we are able to still be together. However even though they reminded me this, I still dreaded the way these nightmares plagued me about how many things could have gone wrong.

After the nightmares of the past finished new nightmares began to emerge, my fragile Misaki was recovering but I turn around to see blood staining his shirt and dripping down onto the floor, I would immediately run to Misaki and grab him out of worry. Resulting in a cry of pain, I would look into my Misaki's emerald eyes, they were filled with intense pain and sadness. Then he would slump down into my arms and he'd whisper something that I could never hear before he died. I always wondered what my Misaki said after every time I had that dream.

I awoke and opened my eyes grateful that the nightmares could stop while I was awake. I looked over to see Misaki but I noticed he had already gotten up. It didn't make me worry, I could smell food cooking so I knew my Misaki was safe and sound. I laid down awake in bed for a while to calm myself down from the nightmares. After a while I got up and went to go meet Misaki down stairs, Misaki was at the bottom when I reached the stairs, it seemed like he was about to go wake me up.

Misaki you're so thoughtful..


I groaned as I slowly walked down the stairs, sleepily. I went straight to the dining table, knowing that Misaki had been preparing breakfast. I sat at the table with Misaki and began to eat.

"Usagi, how're you feeling?"

Misaki's question caught me by surprise.

Do I show how anxious I am from the dreams?

I hope not

I munched a little more of my delicious salmon before answering Misaki's question.

"I was feeling terrible but not anymore, thanks to Misaki"

I went to smile when Misaki blushed but then I noticed bandages on Misaki's chest.

He removed them a few days ago didn't he?

Why would he need them again?

Misaki?.. Are you hurt again..

I dropped my fork and pointed towards his bandages uneasily.

"Misaki...why is your chest bandaged?"

Misaki's reaction was one of surprise like he didn't expect me to wonder.

Maybe he thought he had hidden them?

Why would he need to hide them?

Misaki sighed a bit of annoyance. As if he thought the answer was obvious.

The obvious answer Is that you're hurt Misaki..

"I was thinking that I shouldn't have removed the bandages till I was completely better. I didn't want the risk of an infection so I decided to be re-bandaged"

Thank god..

That was the reason..

I'm so relieved..

I nodded in response, I was very content with my Misaki's response. It made a lot of sense thankfully.

"I see, I guess you have a point"

Me and Misaki went back to eating, the atmosphere felt nice and calming, when we finished my Misaki did the dishes and I went and sat in the sofa. Slightly bored that Misaki was busy.

I couldn't fully get rid of my unease about Misaki, he was currently so fragile right now it seemed. I began to get lost in my thoughts.

I shouldn't worry, Misaki is acting perfectly fine

I then remembered the flashes of pain in his eyes yesterday, I felt a knot in my chest.


I didn't notice when Misaki ran past me and up the stairs.

Me: that's the end of chapter 3~

Misaki: >^> Im dreading the next chapter..

Me: why?

Misaki: >^> embarrassing...

Me: XD hehe too bad

Misaki: ....

Me: I wonder if my writings improved.. Missing Misaki was my first story then I did a few in between this sequel and that story, so I wonder if I'm a little better

Misaki: >^> the only difference I see is semi-longer chapters

Me: :0 that's okayish well anyway hope ya liked the third chapter!

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