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"come on sefi!" her best friend dragging her by her wrist. they were going to meet these two guys they met at a country club the other night and they invited them out to eat dinner.

serafina wanted nothing but to go back home, change from out of the uncomfortable heels into her nice fuzzy slippers and sleep till noon the next day. but alas she was here, forced by her friend elena, who thought they shouldn't waste their second night in Korea.

serafina and elena's parents are business partners, they are also the biggest company in the world at moment. éclatant, the most famous jewelry company and fastest growing as well. the opportunity opened up for the company to expand in Korea and so both their families packed up their things and moved to Korea to make sure everything would be under control by the time they leave.

the families would be in the beautiful country for a year, giving them enough time to explore, but elena so desperately wanted to get out of the stuffy penthouse they were staying at. they weren't alone. two guards standing about 20 feet away them, always having their eyes on the girls. though serafina had grown up with this lifestyle, she didn't like it. she can't go shopping without reporters shoving cameras in her face, she can't hang out with friends unless her guards were with her and she isn't allowed to drive anywhere by herself.

she is twenty-one years old and she wants to get out but she doesn't know how. she wants to help people who are not so lucky in their lives although it's hard due to her parents wanting her to carry the family legacy along with her husband. not that she has one, but many male suitors have been brought to her attention and she denies each one.

serafina wants to find real love, as cliche as it might sound. she grew up watching sappy romantic movies and she couldn't help but wonder if it could ever happened to her. but alas movie scenarios are imaginary and now here she was, being dragged out of her comfort zone in a red gucci dress and gold jimmy choo heels, paired with jewelry obviously from her family to county club to meet snobby rich males.

"ah, there you are. i thought you weren't going to make it." one of two males spoke, both of them stood up from their chairs, eyeing the girls up and down until they were satisfied.

"i'm sorry. serafina had a meeting with her parents that ran a little late but we rushed here as fast as we could." elena gave that smile in which you could tell she was lying but her friend was the only one who could see through the white lie.

"no, no problem. we understand, it's very difficult to balance out many things due to you're training to take over your company." the other male spoke, pulling out a chair for serafina to sit in, she gave him a glance, then grinned at him lightly as she took her place. the brown haired man did the same thing for elena and then he finally returned back to his seat.

"well order what you want ladies. no need to be shy." he winked, elena slightly blushed, hiding her face behind the large menu, then stabbing her friends side with her elbow, giving her a big smile but the other girl just rolled her eyes lightly, making sure their company wouldn't notice.

"if you guys are up for it, we would like to take somewhere else tonight. to have a bit more fun."

"ooh, where?"

"an underground boxing match."


after the very fancy dinner, the boys had their driver take them to the remote location in an alley to view tonight's match. when they arrived to the location they notified their driver that they would be walking the rest of the way. the foursome as well as the guards walked down the narrow alleyway.  on their way there, the two would gossip about who's going win, the name 'gloss' being thrown around a couple of times. curiosity over took Serafina and asked them about it.

"who's gloss?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. the conversation came to a halt, turning to face the girl with the puzzled look on her face. The boy, who she found out his name was Sanha, grinned at her.

"he's a fighter, a great fighter but not as good as the one we're betting on." Sanha chuckled, fist pumping his friend. the more they walked the louder the music got, it finally lead to a well hidden place where there was a crowd of people and in the center of it all was the stage where the fighters would be performing.

the boys greeted their fellow acquaintances, introducing the girls to them as well. serafina smiled at them, introducing herself but making sure not too say too much about her background. the music that had been blasting through the speakers gradually quieted down and a man's voice rumbled throughout the whole alleyway.

"Welcome everyone to tonight's show! We have a great fight for you tonight. Before we announce our fighters make sure you have made your bet on the winner of tonight before the fight starts." He paused as last minute bets were being made and when when noise of shuffling quiet down, he began again, "Now, we are going to welcome our fighters of tonight! In this corner we have the powerful and indestructible, The Mighty Hammer!" Roars pour out of the crowd, from the shadows comes out a man, big and tall. Settling in his corner and waits for his opponent to come out.

"In the other corner we have a crowd favorite who despite not being in fighting scene for too long has beaten every single one of his opponents so far! Lets see if he can beat his opponent tonight! Let's welcome, Gloss!" Serafina's ears perked up as she heard the name blast through the area, she looked up and saw a very buff man, not as tall as his opponent though. He looked very serious, trying to show no emotion. Since Serafina has close seats, she could see the details of the man, the arm filled with tattoos on his pale skin, his muscles stretching it out and despite him being buff he never lost his slight chubby cheeks. She couldn't help but feel mesmerized looking at him, she was beautiful in her eyes. Don't get her wrong the guys she was with were very handsome as well, but there was something about Gloss that she couldn't put her finger on. If at all possible, she would like to talk to him afterwards, although she doubted that they would let her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts with the bell that indicated that the fight had begun. The two men stared at each other intensely, trying to guess their opponents first move, after thirty seconds, the mighty hammer took his first swing.
To Serafina, time felt as it was going so fast, her eyes couldn't keep up with the fight, with every swing, punch and kick. But then Gloss was knocked down, she heard his loud groan as he tried to get back which he eventually did.

Then it's like time went slow when he lifted his head to look in the crowd of cheers and roars, to meet the eyes of the girl who stood out like a sore thumb. He slightly grinned before getting back and continued his battle.

I'm so proud of myself omg, this has been the longest chapter I have ever written :0.

I hope y'all like the story ><

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