"And what department would I be in charge of?" I ask him, sarcastically letting him know that that I'm not going to work some basic job.

"No you won't work. Just join."

"So what's the point of joining a working company if I'm not actually working?" I asked

"I don't have another department so even if you do work you won't be doing much. I wouldn't want you working in any of the departments anyway. But I do think you should work with me. Just help me out and stuff, kinda like an intern I guess." He said.

"Why wouldn't you want me working in any of the departments and how did it go to you working with them to them working for you."

"If you work in the department you'll have to do a lot of running around and I need an assistant anyway so you might as well be with me. And the whole situation is confusing. Basically Wesley and and all his friends made a brand before we even knew them. After we became friends they were thinking about making us work in the departments but Wesley persuaded them to let us partially own the brand."


"So each of the owners of the brand get their own department and together they make the full brand. I upgraded my brand so much that it was like it's own brand. I had more people working in my department which brought in more money and then I eventually started doing more in my department."

"Can I get an example" I asked just so I could get the bigger picture.

"Let's say me and four other guys make a clothing brand. And the departments are different types of clothing. One department is hats another department is sweaters and another one is pants and so on. The guys and I get our own department so let's say I'm in charge of the hat department. I have to find people to work in my department to make the hats, promote them, and sell them. I got so much people to work in my department that I was selling my part of the brand faster than the others which made me bring money in faster. I then upgraded my brand by getting new equipment and taking my brand to the next level. I was still making hats but I was making different colors and different types of hats like beanies and visors and that brought in even more money. I eventually started to take little pieces of the other departments and put them in my department. So in other words I took over a brand that I didn't even start and made it my own." He explained.

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Well I guess. But after the group saw how I made things bigger they decided to get help from me. I was still working with them but I did so much more than them that I was kind of on my own and since they weren't making the item my department had it made me more of my own brand. After they realized I was basically doing things the other departments were doing, they confronted me about it and I told them why don't they just work for me they agreed because they saw an opportunity to make more money than they were making so I made them owners of different departments that I own."

"Sounds cool. Why doesn't Grayson work with your brand? He didn't want to take Wesley's offer but that was when he was partially owning it. Now you have your own brand so why doesn't he at least work with you?"

"He just doesn't like the brand."

"You know what I might just consider taking your offer." I say with a slight smile on my face.

"You say that now until you see what my brand actually sells." He says while he chuckles

I laugh too then tell Ethan I'm heading back to sleep.

Right before I close the sliding door behind me Ethan stops me "Oh and Belle. I'm actually staying for a while."

I nod my head and smile as I tell him, "goodnight or good morning" and shut the sliding door and smile all the way back to my pillows and blankets.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon,
And eggs. And made my way over to the kitchen, which was kind of the same room only to see Ethan cooking. And once again he isn't wearing a shirt. I sit down at the island and he puts a plate right in front of me.

"I need to brush my teeth first." I say as I get ready to bolt to the bathroom and brush my teeth with the extra tooth brush that I leave over here since I'm here all the time.

"You brush your teeth first?" Ethan asks

"Uhhh you don't?"

"No. You're only making them dirty by eating."

"But if I don't brush I'm going to sit here eating breakfast with morning breath and my morning breath is only going to make the food taste weird. And plus I need to brush before I eat to get rid of germs so that I'm not eating germs and food at the same time."

Ethan looks at me with a dumbfounded look and just shrugs. I make my way to the bathroom but I smack a sleeping Graysons ass as I walk past him.

I'm a procrastinator so I'm sorry for taking forever. And I tried my best to explain how things work but if you still don't get it then you'll understand later.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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