Birds of Prey No More?

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"Ivy, I don't understand, what is she doing here?" Catwoman said pointing to Killer Frost.

"The Society has judged you during these past few weeks. You guys have been 'reformed.' We all know it's a ruse, so come join the Society. We'll help you with your problems, as you help us conquer the world!"

"Frost, nobody wants that."

"Catwoman, I wasn't talking to you then!"

She quickly froze the floor which Catwoman was standing on.

"Come on! Those were new leather boots!"

"Ivy, listen, come back to what you were. You were a member for so long and --"

"The answers no. Whoever harms my friends, gets my fist!"

"I'm glad, that's why I brought my backup."

Sinestro quickly pulled out from behind the front porch.

"Hello Poison Ivy! I've been waiting for this moment for a while now."

"You have? How enjoyable it must've been to come today."

Catwoman quickly got her whip and broke the ice she was standing on. She then grabbed Frost by the wrist with her whip.

"Freeze me again, you'll get my claws!" she said as she pulled her in and then kicked her in the face.

Frost quickly got back up.

Sinestro went for Ivy.

Ivy grew her plants, but Frost froze them.

Sinestro quickly slashed her cheek and created a construct of a baseball bat.

He quickly hit Catwoman in the head, knocking her out.

"Leave them, what a waste of our time," Frost said.

The two villains left the room.

When Ivy and Catwoman woke up, they were surrounded by the Justice League and Batgirl.

"Are we under arrest already Bats?" Catwoman said jokingly to Batman.

"No. Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Zatanna, and I are here because two of our friends are missing. One of them was a former member of the Birds -- Hawkgirl."

"She was once, but not now. She was a member a while back however," replied Batgirl.

"Well then, what happened here?"

"You mind as well have a seat as we tell you what went wrong," said Ivy.

Justice League I Secret Society I  Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now