♦️💙 Sire, daughter time prt 2💙♦️

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Y/n smiled as she sat on a rock in the caynons with her sire by her side who looked at the sky "so what has happened lately with you?" Asked Optimus to the (f/c) and (2/f/c) femme, y/n tilted her helm and thinks if she should tell Optimus about her secret crush on Bumblebee "um well... Atafay is teaching me her cyberian language, Ratchet and Atafay gave me some story's on both cyberians and cybertron I've takeing a likeing to both, Atafay is finally letting me help with Megnal, and me and Bumblebee went on a drive last night I was able to practice my powers" y/n said as she fiddled with her digits for some reason talking about Bumblebee made her nervous and Optimus saw the nervousness on y/ns face and in her actions "Is everything ok Y/n?" Optimus asked with slight concern, y/n thinks for a second, was it ok for her to love the scout? did she even know how to love?(which she does) will Bumblebee even love her back? Will her Sire approve of it even? She didn't know "have.... Have you ever loved a freind.... More than a freind?" y/n said she knew he loved Zerout but she wanted to know she relised she might be asking somthing to personal for him so quickly she added "if you don't mind me asking" Optimus nods at her question "I've loved Zerout like that... Why did you ask?" He asked her still slightly concerned for his Sparkling "well... I have a crush on this.... Mech and I don't know if he would like me back" Y/n said and let out a sigh and felt her sire's servo on her shoulder plateing 

"Mabey they do love you Y/n" Optimus said in a calm tone as Y/n looked at Optimus and smiled softly "mabey you need to just talk to them and find out" Optimus said and he was right mabey if you talked to Bumblebee and tell him how you feel he could just say if he loved you back or not but you wanted to do it at the right time the perfect time

It was close to night time now Optimus, Y/n, and Bumblebee where scouting in a meadow it was very pretty but y/n tried her best to not get distracted by the flowers even her favorite ones where in the meadow, Tulip's, you saw pink, orange, peachish ,and purple ones they where all beutiful but you kept your mind on your work

Optimus and Bumblebee where at the front of the group while you stood behind them slightly your eyes scanning the place suddenly you stop and look twords a rock with clawmarks it wasn't far away but it was close enough to see that the marks where newley made, you walked closer and traced your digits on the rock not noticeing that Bumblebee and Optimus had turned around and where watching you, the clawmarks where deep and pointed, some of the claw marks where small meaning that the only thing that couldovr made this was a cybercat and there cub or trainee "cybercat markings" y/n announced and turned her helm to her father and crush "are you sure?" Asked Bumblebee and Optimus wonderd the same thing "positive I remember it from the data pads, the clawmarks of a cybercat is deep and pointed" she looked at the rock and seen some paint in the clawmarks "only Cybercats can make some of there paint come off when clawing at somthing aswell" y/n said

Optimus was surprised you knew so much of Cybercats and cyberwolves it impressed him "is there any sign of struggle mabey they got in a fight" Optimus spoke as he looked around "no... But it could've been training when a cyberian cub is strong enough they are usually trained close to there creation days" y/n said before they heard cracking "what was that?"  Optimus said as he looked down and around the cracking was heard again and before they knew it they where falling into a deep cave y/n let out a screech of pain when she hit her helm on the ground everything went black

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