Chapter 3: The Exam's Reward

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Hey Wattpad,

I just want to say thank you at this point for those who have read the first 2 chapters, I hope you continue to enjoy, also there will be some mistakes, that I make in the writing and I will edit them when I see them, or you can point them either one.


- DarkChampionKJC



I woke up the car, with the extraordinary Harry Styles, leaning over me truck!!!!!! I started to move to see who was driving, and I saw that Niall was in the drivers seat, muttering about sitting on the left side of the car. I looked around to see all of One Direction sitting around me.

"How are you doing love," Harry asked me, as I sat up, "you scared me for a while after you fainted."

"How did that happen again." I asked confused. The last thing I remember was being at Starbucks and talking to Harry.

"Well after Niall asked if you guys wanted to hang out with us after your exam, you three girls froze up, and then that really cool guy, Kevin, accepted and you fainted." Harry informed me, with a look of amusement on his face.

"Oh" I said while blushing, "and now we are going to the exam?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yep, you were out for a while, and Julie and Serena needed to go finish studying, and Kevin, wanted to make sure you were okay, so we brought you to our car." Louis who was in the passenger seat.

"Julie and Serena left?" I asked surprised that they would do that.

"To are both regrets, they were crying." Niall answered with disappointed look on his face.

"We'll anyway, you didn't wake up and Kevin had to go, so we got in your car and started driving." Zayn who was in the back finished.

"I see, so where are you lads hanging out we we take the exam?" I asked, curious to where they could go safely, with any fan girls.

"We'll actually your exams will be a singing exam, so you guys didn't have to study at all really, and we and your teacher are judges, and who ever gets the best grade, gets to sing with us." Harry said.

My face dropped. "WE DIDN'T HAVE TO STUDY!!!!!! Someone was going to die for making me stress like that. Yes I do have a violent side when I need one" I yelled enraged. "But the reward for who gets the best grade would be totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!I MEAN I MIGHT HAVE THE CHANCE TO SING WITH YOU GUYS," I screamed so loud that they cringed. "Oh sorry, just fangirled a moment" I said calmly.

"We'll I'm sure you will." Liam said smiling.

"You have arrived at your destination" a very mono-tone voice that for some reason sounded a lot like Harry's, said. It was my GPS. I had changed to somewhat sound like him.

"We'll were here, so I guess we will see you inside." Niall said. He seemed as excited for this as a bunny.

Harry jumped out of the car and ran over to my side of the car to open the door for me. I stepped out, and couldn't resist, I ran around hugging them all. I started to walk away, but Harry stopped me. He turned me around and took of his his beanie. He then took off mine and put his on my head, and mine in his head. "See it as a good luck charm," he he whispered to me.

I gave him a big smile, and walked off. I walked to the door of the music, I was surprised that it was unlocked, because I was early. I walked in and saw the reason why. Kevin was already there. He literally teleports around, I swear it. How he got open that lock, that's answer that will never be found out.

I looked to the side of the room and saw........a One Direction alter, most likely built by the teacher. Mrs. Veria, somewhat worshipped them. I heard a door close behind me. I turned around and saw Mrs. Veria walk in.

"How did you get in." Mrs. Veria asked. I shook my head and shrugged, Mrs. Veria looked up at the seats and saw Kevin and said "oh we'll that explains it."

Soon the rest of the class arrived. Julie walked in last, her face was really red, probably from blushing. She sat down next to me and smiled. "What" I asked.

"Niall asked me personally to go hang out with while you guys go out with the rest of them." She whispered to me.

I jumped out of my seat and almost screamed at her good luck, and I would have, if One Direction weren't making their big entrance just then. They came in and jumped on the "stage"/alter. I clapped like a mad women. Harry turned to me and waved. Niall did the same for Julie. All of the girls and some guys turned to us and screamed some more.

We all eventually quieted down. Mrs. Veria explained what we already knew about the judging.(I txt friends fast) We started to sing, Kevin was the first one of us and he was just amazing!! After that, the next one of us was me, I didn't think I did that well, but apparently, everyone, else did. Julie went and was also awesome!! Serena finished our group almost last in the class for her last name was later in the alphabet. After that we all got called down for our grade.

The grades were out of 500. Among the four of us our scores were, Kevin-497, Julie-498, Serena-472, me-500. I was sure more people were going to 500, so I wasn't sure if I would get to sing with them. Mrs. Veria then read the top 5 singers in order of scores, Isabelle Togel, Julie Meelo, Kevin Colin, Tom Willo, Daphne Simo.

YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I did get the top score, that means, I GET TO SING WITH ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I walked down the risers, and headed toward the "stage"/alter. Harry ran over to greet me. He pulled me up and hugged me and whispered, "good job."

"Okay everyone, Izzy here is going to be singing "Don't Forget Where You Belong" in the spirit of graduation!!" Louis said, "and I think we going to have it be a duet with her and Harry."

All of the girls started screaming(and some of the guys). But none of theirs was louder than mine. My scream was louder than all of the Gods of Olympus arguing at the same time. Just imagine that.


Well then, in case you didn't know when the Gods of Olympus are arguing at the same time nothing will save yours ears

Long Chapter this time, hope you enjoyed!!

Have fun reading!!

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