Chapter 4 - Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Alright you chose us" He paused. "Now we get to choose you" He closed with a satisfied smile. His final words played around in my head repeatedly as he walked away leaving us with Four who led us to training.


My whole body was shattered from training. Shooting at dummys, running for miles, and practising simple defence skills. It was mainly the endless running that shattered me. Even now after plenty of sleep, my body still aches but I've got to push that to the back of my mind and continue. No pain no gain right?

And now here I am, training room. We were practising some blocking when Eric turns up.

"First jumper" His voiced boomed and echoed of the walls bringing everyone to a standstill. "In the ring" He said looking directly at Tris with amusement in his eyes. Was this a game with us, puppets at his very disposal?

"Last jumper!" He called out. "Time to fight" He finished pulling the lip piercing inbetween his teeth as a crowd was formed around the ring.

"How long do we fight for?" Molly asked looking at Tris like she was something she could kill with a stare.

"Till one of you can't continue"

"Or until one of you concedes" Four interupted. Probably for Tris's sake.

"According the old rules. New rules, no one concedes" Eric corrected. Four muttered something to Eric and there was some tension between them as they had a short conversation between them.

"You'll be scored on this so fight hard" Eric finished before letting them fight. As expecting it didn't go well for Tris who took a blow to the jaw.

"Well that was eventful" Eric said boredly.

"Second jumper" He called out next and motioned his head to the ring. "Candor" He pointed to Peter who made his way into the ring opposite.

"We don't want child's play again" Eric warned before moving all the attention onto me and Peter as he stepped back.

Simultaneously we both held our arms up to shield our face. His body build is quite the opposite of mine. Tall and muscular not small and curvy. He's Candor so that's not really an advantage or disadvantage.

Peter suddenly went for a punch but I dived down easily and stuck my foot out so he tumbled over it loosing balance but soon regained it again, blood rushed to his cheeks but he brushed it away.

"Huh is that all you got stiff?" He mocked thinking it would hurt me and went for another punch which I dodged yet again easily and when I spun round he had his back to me so I dug my elbow into his back causing his body to fall flat.

He let out a groan as I stepped back but he gripped my ankle pulling it from under me so I came crashing down on my back letting out a gasp from the contact of my head to the ground causing my eye sight to go dizzy for a few seconds.

Just as I was about to open my eyes I felt a heated blow to my cheek, the pain stinging as I bit in a moan. I opened my eyes to see Peter standing by me about to kick me with force, his knee high up and when it came down, I grabbed it and pulled it towards me just as he had done with my ankle and I was granted with a thud and a cry of pain from beside me.

Peter must be pretty tough because the second I hauled myself up into a sitting position, he gripped my wrists, twisting them in agony placing them above my head on the floor. I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of a cry of pain so gripped it in by biting my bottom lip so hard I felt it go warm with blood that would burst out if I bit any further.

Peter was directly above me now in a perfect position for me to hit him in his most valuable area. I brought my knee up with all the strength I could muster from inside me and Peter rolled off with a yell, crouched in a fetus position on his back with some clear access to his chest so I put the last of my strength into my elbow and whacked the final breath of air out of him as my elbow made contact with the cracking sound of his ribs. He just now lay there, unable to move and everyone was silent.

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