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Sydney was plunged into darkness, soft fabric surrounding her, everything moving and shaking.
It seemed like an eternity went by before light seeped in and something that looked like a giant hand reached in and pulled her out, on to a hard surface.
Looking up she gasped in horror. Before her was sitting David but he was gigantic. What the hell did he do to her?

D: This is your own fault, I gave you fair warning. 

Sy: Are you insane? What did you do to me?

D: I used one of my inventions on you in order to make you pay for what you did. Just admit what you did, and this will all be over. 

Sy: I refuse to admit to something I didn't do, so go and light a candle! 

D: Quit being an idiot and admit! 

Sydney kept quite and looked away from him. David repeated the question a few times until he grew tired of her attitude.

D: Fine, be that way, just remember that this is not going to go away.

David  took an old birdcage without bottom and placed it over his tiny captive.

Sy: You can't do this! I'm not a prisoner, nor am I an animal!

D: In case you haven't noticed, I did and can do this to you. I know for a fact there is no one special in your life, no real friends and your parents don't care about you. So get comfy, you're gonna be here a while!

Sydney slumped to the ground, wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knies.

His RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now