Chapter 5

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Thorn's POV

I looked around. The map we were at was Inkblot Art Academy. There were buildings filled with paintings and other works of art desolated in them.

Our ink color was yellow as the others were pink.

I swished my ink brush before turning to Kanae. She was using a Dynamo Roller, except it appears to be black, and had a red clothespin attached to it.

"Um, why is your roller black?" I asked her, pointing at her weapon.

Kanae let out a confused hum before smiling. "Oh, this is a Kensa Dynamo Roller. I didn't realize that this place might've not have Kensa weapons yet," she giggled.

I titled my head. "Sooo... what's so special about it?" I asked.

Kanae smirked as she replied, "You'll see."

I arrived at the middle of the map. Hachi was on a tower in the middle, along with another octoling with an Afro hairstyle.

Hachi spotted me and aimed his blaster at me. I quickly started to bolt out of there, not wanting to be splatted.

"Scary," I thought.

"Hiya, whatcha doing?" A voice asked. I jumped and turned around just to see Aloha. I sighed in relief. "Oh, thank woomy it's just you. I thought Hachi spotted me or something." Aloha chuckled as he patted my back.

Aloha pulled me behind a box and looked at me. "I saw you were kinda struggling out there," he stated.

I nervously nodded my head. "Y-yeah, I ran away cause I thought I would get splatted."

Aloha put his hand on his chin before his face lit up, presumingly getting an idea. "I know, I'll give you some tips to help you out!"

He then turned my head with his hand, making me face the octoling girl with a ponytail.

"You see her? She's using the dualie squelchers. They have an incredible range for dualies, and outrange you completely." He lifted his finger up. "However, with enough speed and annoyance, you can still splat her."

He pointed to the octoling. "Try running up to her to catch her off guard and try dodging her attacks. Your weapon may be short ranged, but it sure is fast. And if you're too far to reach her, try throwing a bomb."

I reluctantly nodded and faced my head in the direction of the girl octoling. I swished my brush and faced it to the ground and started to charge towards her. The octoling turned her head and spotted. She started to shoot, and I ran back and forth, dodging most of them.

"Take this!" I shouted as I swished my inkbrush in her face, splatting her after a couple of hits.

"Good job!" Aloha said as he patted my back. I jumped and turned to him.

"W-where do you keep coming from?!" I asked, still shook. Aloha just simply winked in response. "What can I say? I'm a fast inkling."

I groaned at his cockyness. "Now, let's finish this!" He shouted.

Hachi and Nana swam up to the tower and started to shoot at us.

"ACK!" Melody shouted as Nana splatted her with her Octoshot.

"I got this!" Kanae yelled as her tentacles started to light up. She then levitated from the ground as a ball of ink started to form above her hand.

"Booyah!" She shouted.

"Booyah!" We all chanted.

She then threw the blob, which turned out to be a bomb, onto the tower.

"Ah!" Hachi and Nana cried as they both were engulfed by the bomb.


We all stopped, as the battle was over. Judd and Lil Judd started to declare the winner.

"And the winner is..."

"Team Yellow!"

"Yeet!" Melody cheered. We all laughed at Melody's remark.

"Good job," Hachi commented, a hint of salt in his face.

"Hey, y'all did good, too," I stated. The other team smiled.

"Thanks, but we won't lose next time!" The octo with the afro said.

Hachi's team parted our ways as they walked off back to Inkopolis Square. We all stood by Deca Tower.

"Thanks for being our teammate, Aloha," Melody said. Aloha grinned as he put his hand on the back of his neck. "Aww, no problem!"

I turned to Kanae.

"So, what exactly is the deal with that weapon of yours? And what was that special?" I asked. Kanae chuckled as she patted her dynamo roller.

"This is called the Kensa Dynamo Roller. It comes from the Kensa Company, obviously, and the Kensa Company is able to make new and unique specials," she explained.

"Wow, cool!" Melody gushed as she poked the roller with her finger.

I turned to Aloha, who was watching Melody.

"Hey, Aloha?"

Aloha hummed as he turned to face me.

"H-how did you know so much about the inkbrush? Do you use it sometimes?" I asked.

Aloha chuckled and shook his head.

"Ah, no, I don't use it."

I nodded.

"But... I do have a friend that uses a weapon similar to yours," he said.

"Hmm, and who might that be?" I asked.

"Hey, guys, look at that girl over there!" Melody interrupted, barging into our conversation. Her finger was pointed to a lady in a kimono. Her tentacles were grey and in a bow.

Once the lady spotted us staring, she turned into squid form and entered into the sewers below her.

"Eh?! Why'd she go down there?!" Kanae asked, bamboozled at the lady's actions.

"I dunno, let's check it out!" Melody yelled before going down there herself.

"Wha- god dammit, Melody!" Kanae fussed before following her.

I panicked as I looked at Aloha.

"I- uh, I guess I'll go, too," I whimpered.

"Thorn, wait!" Aloha shouted before I fell into the sewers.




Wait, where am I?

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