That and hunger. Luckily her car was about 40 feet away so getting to food wouldn't be too difficult. Plus she saw what was in the cafe earlier, gagging at the thought of eating it.

Driving up to the Chick Fil A up the nearest turnpike, Alex made the mental note to go inside when she saw all the cars wrapped around the building and several employees outside in jackets and coats. Why the hell were they out here. Shaking her head, she made her way to the entrance.

Damn, there he is again.


If there was a contest for social anxiety and self consciousness, Brit would walk home with platinum in both categories.

The campus shuttle was convenient for some things, even though it was delayed at least 15 minutes most of the time. A big plus was that it stopped by food places, and Chick Fil A was the one he could deal with.

But he could never control the anxiety he felt in public. Silently twisting the string in his hoodie with one hand and eating with the other, Britain was almost hyperventilating as he observed the sea of people sitting in throughout the restaurant. It didn't help that for about the last five minutes a group of people kept giggling in his direction.

At first he thought nothing of it, that is until the gestures and head nods started pointing in his direction. Although he wanted to be mad and politely mug them, he could never find the ability to do so, and often wondered what it was they were laughing about. Or what about him was so funny. Sighing, he tried to focus on the chicken sandwich and nuggets sitting in front of him.

That is until he could've sworn that a hand swatted his drink off the table, feeling the Sprite deep through the top of shoe and into his sock.

'Aye my fault bruh.'

Though it was intended to serve as an apology, the laughs and chuckles that came after it from the guy and the group he was with made him think otherwise. He almost stood up until he spotted the security guards, not wanting to make a scene and let it get back to campus .

Huffing with frustration, he got some napkins and wiped off his shoes hoping that they weren't stained or damaged to badly.

As he cleaned his shoe, he could feel the anger boiling up in him, but most of all he felt hurt.

'The Fuck I do to them.'


Alex was rather annoyed.

And she didn't like bullies. In observing the boy who had been on her mind lately, she saw a group of people from campus knock his drink onto his shoes, for what reason she couldn't fathom 'cause he was minding his own business.

'Hello, how may I take your order?'

The question caught her off guard, and though she placed her order, it gave her an idea that would give her an excuse to finally speak to the guy only 20 feet from her.

Though she wasn't going to eat there, she still grasped the two drinks and walked over to him, butterflies popped up in her stomach that were distinct from the hunger she'd felt for the last half an hour.

Here we go......


She was handsomer up close.

As Britain looked up, she thrust a new large drink cup into his face, the fact that she was replacing his drink taking a second to register is his brain.

'Uh, hi. Here's a new drink.'

Britain clutched the cup, half thinking that it was a joke before feeling grateful for the gesture.

'Thanks. I really appreciate it.'

'You're welcome. That wasn't cool, I woulda wanted somebody to help me if niggas did something like that to me.'

'Right. I feel you.'

The tension between them grew until it was nearly thick enough to cut with a knife, and Britain really didn't know what to say further so he starting to let his free hand fidget and stand on the balls of his feet. A slight blush rose to his cheeks as he stood there waiting but not wanting it to end.

'Ight, well I'm Alexandra.'

'I'm Britain', he said a bit eagerly.

'I'll see you around then', she said with a smile, a toothy grin spearing on her face as she stepped out into the cold and Britain sat down to wait for the next shuttle.


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