"Aren't you going to stay here with me?" She asked.

"No, after he finishes work here, we're going back to Korea." He said dryly.

"And what work is that?" She questioned.

"Just business." 

About fifteen minutes later, they finally heard a knock on the door.

That was the worst, most awkward fifteen minutes of Jeongin's life. He was just sitting and looking at his phone because he has no idea what to say to his mother.

She would just keep repeating herself and saying things like, "Jeongin you need to stay here where it's safe" and "your father and I came to Japan, to this house for a reason" but he didn't really care.

"My boyfriend's here." Jeongin said standing and making his way to the door.

"Wait." She put her arm out stopping him. "Let me answer it."

When his mom answered the door, she screamed, scaring Jeongin for a second.

"What happened?" He asked walking closer to the door.

"Jeongin, stay back!!" She yelled.

"Uhh, hi?" Chan said in confusion, wondering what is wrong with this crazy lady standing in front of him.

"You're Bang Chan! A hitman!" She yelled again. "What are you doing with my son?!"

"M-mom how did you know-"

"How could I not know who Bang Chan is?! He is a well known hitman." She said glaring at him. "I saw your lockscreen of you two together. I thought I was mistaken but apparently I wasn't." She said turning to Jeongin.

Chan just stood there, he really didn't want to deal with this right now. He just wanted to get Jeongin and go.

"What are you doing with my son?!" She asked Chan again.

"I am dating him." Chan replied bluntly.

"No! I will not allow this!" She shrieked.

"Well we've been doing it for the past months without your permission so I think we're fine." Jeongin said and folded his arms.

"Jeongin, how could you date someone like him?!" She said. "How can you be so blind. He's obviously just dating you so he can kill you later."

"No he's-"

"No. Stop. You're not leaving this house. You're not going back to Korea."

"Mrs, I wouldn't do that to Jeongin. I love him very much." Chan said.

Jeongin could already feel the tears burning his eyes, threatening to fall.

"How am I supposed to know that what you're saying is true!" She said. "No. I don't allow this. My son being with you is dangerous. So go away and never meet him again."

"Mom! Stop no you can't do that!" Jeongin said, now the tears were falling for real.

"Get out or I'm calling the cops." She threatened and took out her phone.

Jeongin got scared when she said that. Calling the cops would be really bad.

He finally enough of this, he pushed her out of the way of the door and ran into Chan's arms.

"Jeongin let go of him! I'm going to call the police!" She said.

"Channie, just go." Jeongin cried into his shoulder. He could already hear his mom speaking on the phone to the authorities.

"Jeongin, how am I just supposed to leave you like this." Chan questioned and hugged him back tighter.

"Chan, please just go. The cops are going to come and it hurts me to imagine you in jail for life, please, if you love me please go." Jeongin begged then let go of the hug but still held his hand.


Jeongin cut him off by kissing him. "I'll find a way and come back to you. I promise." He whispered.

They heard faint sounds of sirens in the distance.

"Bye Channie hyung." Jeongin continued to cry.

"Bye..." Chan replied there was nothing he could do. He entered the rental car and drove away faster than the police could get there.

Jeongin's heart was shattered. He never knows when he will be able to see Chan again and it is tearing him apart.

When the police got there, his mom said it was all a misunderstanding.

The two of them went inside. Jeongin was a wreck. He really didn't want to be there anymore and now he's stuck.

"Jeongin, stop crying. I did what was best for you." She said sympathetically.

"You think that was for the fucking best?! I feel like shit mom." Jeongin said. "For the best my ass." He mumbled.

"Think about it Jeongin. It really was. Not only could he have eventually killed you, he's much older than you- he would probably start to pressure you and use your body for his own pleasure." She said.

"Fuck out of here with that bullshit. I love Chan and Chan loves me." Jeongin said then began walking down the hall to another room to get away from her.

He stopped in his tracks to turn around and say one more thing.

"And for your information, we already had sex and no it wasn't under pressure, I really fucking enjoyed it, best night of my life." He spat then walked away.


okay THIS was definitely the hardest part to write

ya know that feeling when you have it all planned out in your head but don't really know how to write it? yeah. that was me this WHOLE part hhh

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