Chapter 1 Meeting

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I think it all  started when i left the Voodoo shop. I left right after I laughed at the voodoo priestess  for  claiming that i am going to be famous one day, oh how i regret laughing at her. I'm 25 right now but i remember the signs when I first noticed something strange happening around me it was my first day as a sophomore in high school.

"AARRROONNNNN!!! WAKE YOUR ASS UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF BEING A SOPHMORE"!!! A loud woman shouts up the stairs while waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"*yawn* I know I know ". I say as i cover my mouth with my hand as i yawn walking down the stairs with my backpack tugging my back.

" Jesus can you be a little more enthusiastic". My mother says with her hands on her hip annoyed.

"I'm going to hell i mean school what kid is going to be happy about that". I say  more then ask her as i walk to the kitchen to get my toast ready.

 "Ya ya the bus will be here any minute now and i got to go to work". My mother says as she gets the keys to her car.

"Mom where dad? Still over seas"? I ask.

"Yea he called last night and said he's done negotiating the plans with another business and is coming home in a week she says about to walk through the door and to her car.

"Bye Aaron don't  forget the bus". She says then gets in the car and leave,once my toast was finished i started to put peanut butter on it and went to the couch to watch the morning news.When i finished i heard a honk outside my house  and knew it was the bus so i turned off the TV got my backpack hooked it over my shoulder and headed for the door and now finally outside while walking towards my bus i see a friend.

"Aaron"! A teen with black messy hair,ripped tight jeans, and wearing a black T-shirt waves towards Me says.

"Hey Duncan". I respond with a smile and then hive five him as we both walked into the bus. As i turn my shoulder i see a normal bus full of students meeting for the first time in months allot of reunions are going on and people showing off the new stuff they got over the summer. I personally don't know a single person on this bus beside Duncan however.

"AARRROONNN"!!! Everyone in the buss shouts in joy like they haven't seen me in years let alone cared about me 6 months ago.

"Um Duncan what the hell's going on"? I ask looking at him then i look at the crowed of people.

"no idea bro when did you become the talk of the town"? he nudges me jokingly getting a huge laugh out of this.

"oh well". I shrugged my shoulders then I walked looking for a seat. I noticed there was a open spot but there was one problem...

"Hey um you saving this seat"? I ask the person looking out the window who turns and looks at me.

"Not-uh you can have itAaron all yours". She says with a smile that made my heart skip a beat, Her hair is long and black that has curls, her eyes are black but still have color in them not literal color but they shine nonetheless. She wearing a pretty white shirt with designs on them with no meaning only to look beautiful and to top it all off she's wearing sexy  jeans that show off all her curves.

"uh-um Thank you". I say taking off my backpack and putting it on the ground  staring at her.

"What the hell's going on I come back from summer break hoping i would be able to coast on by this year on the down low and fucking literally as soon as i get on the bus everyone thinks i'm famous. The fucks going on"? I think to myself.

"Yo Aaron! You make moves fast"!!! Duncan shouts at me with a huge ass grin.

"god i'm gonna beat his ass up". I think to myself.

"Sorry Ignore him he's being a asshole"i tell her. 

"its ok i get it". She responds.

"By the way whats your name"? I ask her.

"Me? Well it's... Edus  Epeler". Edus says calmly then she looks at Aaron dead in the eyes.

"It's been along time... Aaron White". Edus says then to  Aaron's shock she kisses him deeply.



A:N I sorta have a idea on where this is going but mostly  i don't. I thought of this story when i read a quote from somewhere if anyone can find it great but if from its ok, it went like"In order to become famous you have to give up privacy and freedom" or something like that if someone knows where that's from i can shout you out 

P.S The girls name does mean something.

P.P.S don't go looking it up I already did that and found the meaning.

P.P.P.S This story is in Beta testing and might not make a new chapter for like a week or 2 once i figure everything out.

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