Chapter Six - Battle Trials: Itachi vs Yaoyorozu

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While Kisame and Kirishima were fighting, Yaoyorozu was searching the building for the bomb, while keeping an eye out for Itachi. She knew that he was hiding somewhere. She eventually found the bomb at the top floor in the building.

Yaoyorozu: (Found it! But where's Itachi?)

As she finished her thought, Itachi tackled her to the ground. He activated his Sharingan as she kicked him off. They both got into a fighting stance.

Itachi: You did well to find the bomb, but how are you going to disarm it?

Without a second thought, Yaoyorozu used her Quirk to summon a sword from her stomach and begins to launch an offensive at Itachi, but he dodge each swing. 

Itachi: You swing wildly. At this rate, you'll tire yourself out before landing a blow.

Yaoyorozu: Is that what you think? 

Yaoyorozu then hit Itachi in the face with the hilt of the sword, but he countered by disarming her. He then takes the sword and breaks it. 

Itachi: What now?

Itachi and Yaoyorozu began to trade blows with one another. Back in the control room, everyone else is watching in awe.

Kaminari: Man those two aren't letting up! 

Jiro: I can't believe Momo's able to keep up with Itachi.

Aizawa: Itachi's holding back. 

Jiro: Seriously Mr. Aizawa? How's that even possible?

Aizawa: The Sharingan increases his speed, agility and strength tenfold. That and the mutation his Sharingan makes him a dangerous enemy to fight.

Midoriya: Mutation? What mutation?

Aizawa: His Sharigan was blended with my Erasure Quirk when he was born. I noticed it when we were training. He used my Erasure Quirk to erase my own Quirk.

Iida: He used your own Quirk against you? Impressive.

Aizawa: Though he could only erase it for 30 seconds. But by then, he already had me pinned down.

Hearing that amazed the class. The fact that someone as young as they were took down a Pro Hero like their teacher seemed hard to believe.

Aizawa: And he still feels he has room to improve. Back in the 50 meter dash, I overheard him and Yaoyorozu talking about the results. He felt it wasn't good enough.

Sero: Not good enough? But he had the fastest time! How could he think he wasn't good enough?

Aizawa: He felt he could've been faster.

Hearing that someone like Itachi felt the need to improve deeply stunned the students.

Ashido: Man! Talk about humble!

Hagakure: No kidding!

Aizawa: All Might, how much time they have left?


Aizawa: (All right kid, what's your next move?)

Back in the fight, Itachi and Yaoyorozu continued to trade blows. Yaoyorozu landed a strong kick to him stomach, pushing him a considerable distance. Yaoyorozu then formed a throwing spear while Itachi charged at her. She threw it, expecting Itachi to move, but he didn't as the spear impaled on Itachi, causing him to collapse on his knees.

Yaoyorozu: ITACHI!

Yaoyorozu ran to Itachi, with concern in her eyes as she saw the spear protruding from his chest.

Yaoyorozu: Itachi! What have I done? PLEASE! ITACHI'S HURT! GET RECOVERY GIRL!!

But as everyone in the control room began to freak out and All Might was ready to cancel the trials, Itachi spoke. 

Itachi: Are you so sure Momo?

Itachi then lifted his hand and pointed to her left side. Yaoyorozu looked to her left side to see Itachi standing right over her. In shock, she turned to what she thought was Itachi, but soon transformed into a murder of crows.

Yaoyorozu: What?! How?

Itachi: An illusion. All that time you thought were fighting me was nothing more than a clone.

That realization shocked the class in the control room.

Ochaco: An illusion? But how?

Jiro: I saw that spear go through him!

Midoriya: It's part of his Sharingan. Isn't it Mr. Aizawa?

Aizawa: It would appear so. This is as much new to me as the rest of you?

Todoroki: New to you? But he's your son. How could this be news to you?

Aizawa: Let's just say we've met each other recently. Not saying anymore than that.

Itachi then used his Sharingan to erase Momo's Quirk.

Itachi: And now your Quirk is erased for 30 seconds. What are you going to do now Momo?

Yaoyorozu grabbed the discarded spear and began to attack Itachi. But the fatigue from the battle and the shock from earlier began to wear Momo down. Itachi clearly saw this.

Itachi: The fight is over. You can't win Momo. Give up.

Yaoyorozu: Heroes......don't give up!

Itachi: Even you must know when a fight is unwinnable. 

Yaoyorozu continued to fight Itachi as the class in the control room watched in awe.

Tokoyami: She's brave to face such a powerful opponent especially while running on fumes.

Iida: Well said Tokoyami! She truly displays what it means to be a hero!

30 seconds seemed like 30 minutes as Yaoyorozu continued to fight Itachi.

Itachi: (I can see why she wants to be a hero. Admirable.)

Yaoyorozu felt her Quirk coming back to her, but Itachi moved behind her with blinding speed.

Itachi: You did well to get this far Momo, but this is it.

Yaoyorozu couldn't move. She was paralyzed in fear. She realized how hopeless victory was. But before Itachi could knock out Momo, an announcement was made.


Hearing that stunned Yaoyorozu. She turned around to see Itachi, without his Sharingan

Itachi: You did well Momo!

Yaoyorozu: T......thank you!

Itachi and Yaoyorozu began to make their way to the control room to discuss the results of their battle trial. Back with Kisame, Kirishima woke up.

Kirishima: What's going on?

Kisame: The battle trials are over for us. Sounds like me and Itachi won! Hehe

Kirishima: You serious? Aw man!

Kisame then released Kirishima from the Water Prison and placed Sharkskin on his back and began to walk away. 

Kisame: Well? What are you waiting for? The others are expecting us!

Kirishima: Right!

Kirishima got up and began to walk with Kisame to meet up with Itachi and Yaoyorozu in the control room to discuss what had transpired in the battle trials.

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