Chapter Five - Battle Trials: Kisame vs Kirishima

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With All Might releasing the villain teams, Itachi was ready to execute his plan. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu and Kirishima were searching the building for both the bomb and the villain team. 

Yaoyorozu: It's quiet. Too quiet.

Kirishima: I'm with ya on that! Where do you think they are?

???: Right here heroes!

The two heroes turned to see Kisame walking, wielding Sharkskin in his hand. He was wearing a smile on his face. He unwrapped some of the bandages of Sharkskin, revealing jagged edges resembling shark teeth.

Kirishima: The new guy! Let's get the party started!

Yaoyorozu: Kirishima wait! Where's Itachi?

Kisame: Right now you got bigger things to worry about! Like me for example!

When he finished, Kisame charged and swung Sharkskin at the two heroes. Yaoyorozu had ducked the swing while Kirishima used his Quirk to harden his skin to absorb the impact of the large blade.

Kisame: Impressive! Not everyone can saw they took a blow from Sharkskin and still stand. Try to make this fun for me!

Kirishima: Wouldn't be very manly of me if I just took off running!

Kisame: Manly? You're quite the interesting one!

Yaoyorozu then used her Quirk to summon a bo staff from her arm and began to attack Kisame. Kirishima joined the attack and attempted to overwhelm Kisame with their numbers, but Kisame remained unfazed as he swung Sharkskin with a smile on his face. In the control room, All Might, Aizawa and the others observed the battle before them.

Kaminari: Man this Kisame dude is really going all out here!


Aizawa: If I didn't know better, I'd say Kisame is playing with them.

Hearing that realization began to send chills down everyone's spin, with the exception of Tsuyu.

Tsuyu: If you think about it, Kisame hasn't even used his Quirk yet. From what it looks, Kisame is treating this like a game.

Ashido: A game? So you're saying he's not even taking this seriously?

Tsuyu: Pretty much.

Ochaco: What about Itachi? We haven't even seen him appear yet.

Aizawa: Are you sure about that?

Aizawa pointed to the monitor showing Itachi scouting the battle from above in the shadows. He was watching while Kisame engaged the hero team. Kisame finally used his Quirk and summoned up a large Water Dragon from his back. The Dragon grabbed Kirishima with it's jaws and threw him to the wall. This display of his Quirk amazed the students in the control room.

Jiro: Wow! That's one powerful Quirk!

Midoriya: (So his Quirk has something to do with Water. I wonder what's the limit to it.)

As the battle continued, an announcement was made.

All Might(Intercom): FIVE MINUTES REMAIN! 

Hearing that put Yaoyorozu off her guard as she got hit from the lower bandaged part of Sharkskin, knocking her to the ground. He then walked to Yaoyorozu.

Kisame: Game over!

As Kisame raised Sharkskin ready to swing, Kirishima tackled Kisame. 

Kirishima: GO! I'll handle Kisame! You go find the bomb!

Yaoyorozu: What about you?!

Kirishima: Don't worry about me! Just go!

With a slight hesitation, Yaoyorozu took the chance to run in search of the bomb, leaving Kisame and Kirishima alone. Kisame struggled for a bit, but was able to throw Kirishima off his back. Kisame looked to railings above and saw Itachi staring back and then began to follow Yaoyorozu in the shadows.

Kisame: (Looks like your plan is going as planned Itachi.) Well Kirishima, looks like it's just you and me! Hope you can keep up!

Kirishima: Wouldn't be manly if I didn't!

Kirishima charged as Kisame with his Quirk activated. Kisame blocked each of his punches with Sharkskin. Kisame then grabbed Kirishima by the neck. Water soon left Kisame's hand and began to engulf Kirishima's body to the point that it trapped him in a Water Prison, leaving only his head exposed.

Kirishima: What's going on?!

Kisame: That would be Water Prison. A little thing I designed with my Quirk! Don't bother trying to struggle, you won't!

Kisame began to walk away, but he stopped when he head the sound of water splashing on the ground. He turned around to see Kirishima on the ground, slowly getting up.

Kisame: You really are an interesting one aren't ya? I guess I'm going to have to chop off your legs! Arms too!

Kirishima: I'd like to see you try!

Hearing what Kisame said to Kirishima at the control room disturbed the students inside. 

Hagakure: Did he just say he was gonna chop off Kirishima's arms and legs? Scary!

Iida: Such savagery! He's really taking his villain role very seriously! 

Bakugo: OH C'MON! If it were me, I would've blasted Fishsticks to pieces! Shitty Hair's just a fucking pushover!

Tokoyami: One could imagine the teamwork of both Itachi and Kisame can do if they wern't holding back. Itachi's Quirk and Kisame's strength could easily make a formidable team. 

Tsuyu: I agree. We're lucky that they're training to be heroes!

Back with Kisame and Kirishima, Kirishima soon began to charge at Kisame. Kisame then shot out Water Bullets at Kirishima, but his Quirk allowed him to tank it and keep going. Kirishima landed a punch at Kisame's face. Kisame reacted by swinging Sharkskin at Kirishima's face, giving him space.

Kisame: That's quite a punch you got! If I were anybody else, I'd be in trouble.

Kirishima: You're not so bad yourself! 

Kisame: (I'm starting to get dehydrated.)

When Kisame finished his thought, he pulled a drinking gourd from his cloak and began to drink.

Kirishima: What's going on?

Kisame: My Quirk has a habit of leaving me dehydrated. Give me a sec while I finish this!

Kirishima: No prob bro! Just finish quickly!

Everyone in the control room was speechless. When Kisame finished, he put the gourd back in his cloak.

Kisame: Refreshing! Now where were we?

Kisame and Kirishima resumed their fight. Kirishima began to attack Kisame with a flurry of punches, but were blocked by Sharkskin. Kisame then slammed Sharkskin on his opponent's head, disorienting him. Kisame took the opportunity to grab Kirishima by the neck and use the Water Prison attack again, this time putting his whole body in the prison. Kirishima struggled to get out, but fatigue had begun to set in. Kirishima held his breath, but he soon passed out from being in the Water Prison without air. Kisame allowed Kirishima's head to resurface from the Water Prison to prevent him from drowning.

Kisame: (I got this Itachi. Now it's your turn partner!)

Kisame had defeated Kirishima. Now it was Itachi's turn to defeat Yaoyorozu.

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