Chapter 5: Mine

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   Kaitlyn Dever's thoughts began to drift elsewhere as she glanced over the day's script one last time. The new girl that has been  cast to play the role of 'Mandy' seems really nice, at least judging by first impressions. The teen hopes that they can fall into a rhythm as co-stars, and pull the show off well, just as she and her Molly had.

Molly. It was getting harder and harder for Kaitlyn to put her girlfriend out of her mind - even with the paparazzi on her ass seemingly non-stop, all she could think about was Molly. 

    Since the couple had declined to make a contradicting statement to the New York Times editor about their romantic involvement, the photo of their fateful dance studio kiss was published in the paper for the world to see.

    The world, of course, included Kaitlyn's parents.  What followed was a paternal blowout even bigger than Kaitlyn had anticipated. If the eldest Dever daughter had grown up out of the spotlight, perhaps her father's disapproval would have had more of an impact on her; but in this line of work, backlash is just a part of life.

   Even family, she knows, isn't guaranteed to hastily hand out unconditional love at every turn. At least the teen can take comfort in the support of her sister, mother, and best friend.

  The young girl's  mind wanders yet again as she hears the faint voices of Christoph Sanders and the new girl-Diana something, she can't remember- preforming a scene together. Despite only being able to hear from backstage, she can sense the tension between them. They don't yet seem comfortable with each other, and if Kaitlyn didn't know any better, she would say that Chris misses Molly almost as much as she does.

They were a good TV couple, with naturally flowing on-screen chemistry. Fans looked forward to seeing Mandy and Kyle scenes, even though their relationship was only just beginning, it felt pretty real.

It was just a testament to Molly's acting skills though, because nothing is more real than the love  that she  and Kaitlyn share. The thought  lingers as she heads to the trailer to have her make-up retouched for her next scene. 

Amanda takes the seat next to her. "Hey Kait."

"Hey." She greets her co-star casually.

The blonde picks up the curling iron, putting it up to her own hair, and feigning shock. "It's coming out in clumps!" 

The action elicits a genuine laugh from Kaitlyn, and suddenly, a strong sense of Deja Vu overcomes her, which is exactly what Amanda had intended.


"It's really wedged in there tightly." Lisa, one of the ladies in charge of hair and make-up, tries her best to untangle the curling iron from Molly's hair.

Rushing into the trailer hastily, Kaitlyn trips over the wire, making both of them fall to the floor.

     Landing right on top of her co-star, the sixteen year old is taken aback at the sight before her. A disheveled Molly with a silver curling iron wound tightly around her normally straight black hair. Kaitlyn can't help but quietly gasp, wondering how the hell Lisa managed to get it stuck there. Noticing the strained expression on Molly's face, Kaitlyn hurries into standing position, offering her hand. Her co-star takes it, seemingly grateful for the helpful tug.

  "Shit, I'm so sorry Molly. I was kinda sprinting in here fast and I didn't see that." She speaks apologetically, gesturing toward the wire.  

"Yeah, that's alright, it's not your fault. I'm just having an extremely unlucky day, I guess."  She tries to flatten out the unaffected portion of her hair.  "God, I'm such a mess."

       "You're Beautiful." The words are out before Kaitlyn can stop them, and she can't bring herself to regret it. It's true, even with her hair tangled in the iron, Molly still looks flawless. The tingling sensation she feels when she realizes they're still holding hands catches her off guard, though. She had no idea why simply being around the older actress was beginning to make her nervous. Or maybe she did, she just didn't want to admit it.

"You're not bad yourself, Kaitlyn." Molly exclaimed  giving the younger girl's hand a playful squeeze. The motion sent shock waves through the both of them.

   By this time, Lisa had managed to untangle the iron, though some of Molly's hair had come out with it. The actress thanked Lisa for her persistence, then, with baited breath,  turned to the mirror. "Oh God, it's coming out in clumps."


   She had lost a good three inches of hair that day, but nothing that couldn't be remedied with some good old fashioned hair extensions.  And it was, the live audience that day was none the wiser.

Looking back on it now, Kaitlyn realizes that day was the day she first felt an undeniable attraction to Molly. 

   She is grateful that Amanda had stirred the memory within her.  She turns to the blonde, giggling with mirth. "At the risk of quoting Taylor Swift, 'She really is the best thing that's ever been Mine'. I miss having her here."

Amanda flashes Kaitlyn a genuine half smile. "I know, I miss having her here too." 

   She grabs her phone, chuckling. "And there's no denying that the fans feel the same way. Have you seen the #NotMyMandy hashtag that's floating around twitter?"

Kaitlyn nods. "They're pretty brutal,  I'm starting to feel bad for the new girl. What was her name again, Diana.. something?"

   "Diana Agron? From Glee? I totally didn't know that was her! I haven't had any scenes with her yet, haven't really been introduced." To your average passerby, Amanda's excitement mimicked that of a teenager. "I love Glee. Is it bad that I'm a little star struck? I have to go say hi."

Kaitlyn laughs again, as the blonde all but runs back to set. "Sounds like the two of you are really going to hit it off." She finds herself alone again,  in what seems like a split second.

At least I'm staying over at Molly's tonight.  All I have to do is make it through the rest of today.


A/N: Sorry it's somewhat crappy, the next chapter will be better, I promise. It's a bit of a filler chapter. Just wanted to get at least something up for you guys.


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